public void CanMarkAContactAsAContractor()
            CrudProxy  proxy   = new ContactProxy();
            ContactDto contact = GetContact1();


            var fromDb = (ContactDto)proxy.GetByUid(contact.Uid);

            Assert.IsFalse(((ContactType)fromDb.ContactType).HasFlag(ContactType.Contractor), "Shouldn't be flagged a contactor.");

            var contactTypeFlag = ContactType.Contractor | ContactType.Supplier;

            contact.ContactType = (int)contactTypeFlag;

            fromDb = (ContactDto)proxy.GetByUid(contact.Uid);
            Assert.AreEqual((int)contactTypeFlag, fromDb.ContactType, "Incorrect contact type.");

            var contactType = (ContactType)fromDb.ContactType;

            Assert.IsTrue(contactType.HasFlag(ContactType.Contractor), "IsContractor should be true.");
            Assert.IsTrue(contactType.HasFlag(ContactType.Supplier), "IsSupplier should be true.");
            Assert.IsFalse(contactType.HasFlag(ContactType.Customer), "IsCustomer should be false.");
        public void UpdateContactOrganizationDetails()
            CrudProxy  proxy = new ContactProxy();
            ContactDto dto1  = this.GetContact1();


            Assert.IsTrue(dto1.Uid > 0, "Uid must be > 0 after save.");

            int    tempContactUid = dto1.Uid;
            string lastUpdatedUid = dto1.LastUpdatedUid;

            dto1 = this.GetContact2();
            dto1.OrganisationName     = "Updated Organization Name";
            dto1.OrganisationAbn      = "U1234567";
            dto1.OrganisationPosition = "Updated Organization Position";
            dto1.OrganisationWebsite  = "";

            dto1.Uid            = tempContactUid;
            dto1.LastUpdatedUid = lastUpdatedUid;

            var tmpDto = (ContactDto)proxy.GetByUid(dto1.Uid);

            AssertEqual(dto1, tmpDto);
        public void InsertContactWithBankDetails()
            CrudProxy  proxy = new ContactProxy();
            ContactDto dto1  = this.GetContact3();


            AssertEqual(dto1, (ContactDto)proxy.GetByUid(dto1.Uid));
        protected void SetupContacts()
            CrudProxy contact = new ContactProxy();

            this.MrSmith                  = new ContactDto();
            this.MrSmith.Salutation       = Salutation.Mr;
            this.MrSmith.GivenName        = "John";
            this.MrSmith.FamilyName       = "Smith";
            this.MrSmith.OrganisationName = "ACME Pty Ltd";

            this.MrsSmith                  = new ContactDto();
            this.MrsSmith.Salutation       = Salutation.Mrs;
            this.MrsSmith.GivenName        = "Mary";
            this.MrsSmith.FamilyName       = "Smith";
            this.MrsSmith.OrganisationName = "ACME Pty Ltd";
        public void InsertUsingUnsupportedSalutation()
            CrudProxy proxy = new ContactProxy();

            ContactDto dto1 = this.GetContact1();

            dto1.Salutation = "Sir";

            // Should be ok, but won't be shown on UI.
        public void InvalidABN()
            CrudProxy  proxy = new ContactProxy();
            ContactDto dto1  = this.GetContactInvalidAbn();


            ContactDto fromDB = (ContactDto)proxy.GetByUid(dto1.Uid);

            Assert.AreEqual("ABC123", fromDB.OrganisationAbn, "Incorrect org. abn.");
        public void InsertWithDefaultSaleDiscount()
            CrudProxy  proxy   = new ContactProxy();
            ContactDto contact = GetContact1();

            contact.DefaultSaleDiscount = 10.50M;

            ContactDto fromDb = (ContactDto)proxy.GetByUid(contact.Uid);

            AssertEqual(contact, fromDb);
        public void CanInsertAContractor()
            CrudProxy  proxy   = new ContactProxy();
            ContactDto contact = GetContact1();

            contact.ContactType = (int)ContactType.Contractor;

            var fromDb = (ContactDto)proxy.GetByUid(contact.Uid);

            AssertEqual(contact, fromDb);
            Assert.IsTrue(((ContactType)fromDb.ContactType).HasFlag(ContactType.Contractor), "Contractor flag should be set.");
        public void InsertWithTags()
            CrudProxy proxy = new ContactProxy();

            ContactDto dto1 = this.GetContact4();


            Assert.IsTrue(dto1.Uid > 0, "Uid must be > 0 after save.");

            ContactDto dto2 = (ContactDto)proxy.GetByUid(dto1.Uid);

            AssertEqual(dto1, dto2, true);
        private void AddCarl()
            CrudProxy  proxy = new ContactProxy();
            ContactDto dto   = new ContactDto();

            dto.Salutation       = "Mr.";
            dto.GivenName        = "Carl";
            dto.FamilyName       = "O'Neil";
            dto.OrganisationName = "O'Neil Capital";
            dto.ContactID        = "GLD879";
            dto.CustomField1     = "O'Neil";
            Assert.IsTrue(dto.Uid > 0, "Incorrect uid post save.");
        public void InsertWithCustomField()
            CrudProxy  proxy = new ContactProxy();
            ContactDto dto1  = this.GetContact1();

            dto1.CustomField1 = "This is custom field 1";
            dto1.CustomField2 = "This is custom field 2";

            Assert.IsTrue(dto1.Uid > 0, "Uid must be > 0 after insert.");

            dto1 = (ContactDto)proxy.GetByUid(dto1.Uid);
            Assert.AreEqual("This is custom field 1", dto1.CustomField1, "Incorrect custom field 1");
            Assert.AreEqual("This is custom field 2", dto1.CustomField2, "Incorrect custom field 2");
        public void UpdateWithDefaultPurchaseDiscount()
            CrudProxy  proxy   = new ContactProxy();
            ContactDto contact = GetContact1();

            contact.DefaultPurchaseDiscount = 15.75M;

            contact.DefaultPurchaseDiscount = 14.75M;

            ContactDto fromDb = (ContactDto)proxy.GetByUid(contact.Uid);

            AssertEqual(contact, fromDb);
        public void InsertWithTwitterIdAndSkypeID()
            CrudProxy  proxy = new ContactProxy();
            ContactDto dto1  = this.GetContact1();

            dto1.TwitterId = "Contact1TwitterId";
            dto1.SkypeId   = "Contact1SkypeId";


            Assert.IsTrue(dto1.Uid > 0, "Uid must be > 0 after insert.");

            dto1 = (ContactDto)proxy.GetByUid(dto1.Uid);
            Assert.AreEqual("Contact1TwitterId", dto1.TwitterId, "Incorrect twitter ID");
            Assert.AreEqual("Contact1SkypeId", dto1.SkypeId, "Incorrect skype ID");
        public void InsertWithCustomFieldLongerThan50Chars()
            CrudProxy  proxy = new ContactProxy();
            ContactDto dto1  = this.GetContact1();

            dto1.CustomField1 = "This is custom field 1 This is custom field 1 This is custom field 1 This is custom field 1 This is custom field 1 This is custom field 1 This is custom field 1";
                throw new Exception("The expected exception is not thrown.");
            catch (RestException rex)
                Assert.AreEqual("The custom field 1 must not exceed 50 characters.", rex.Message, "Incorrect exception message.");
        public void UpdateWithLinkedInPublicProfile()
            CrudProxy  proxy = new ContactProxy();
            ContactDto dto1  = this.GetContact1();

            dto1.LinkedInPublicProfile = "";

            Assert.IsTrue(dto1.Uid > 0, "Uid must be > 0 after insert.");

            dto1.LinkedInPublicProfile = "";

            dto1 = (ContactDto)proxy.GetByUid(dto1.Uid);
            Assert.AreEqual("", dto1.LinkedInPublicProfile, "Incorrect LinkedIn Public Profile");
        public void TradingTermsBackwardsCompatibility()
            CrudProxy  proxy = new ContactProxy();
            ContactDto dto1  = this.GetContact1();

            dto1.SaleTradingTermsPaymentDueInInterval     = 14;
            dto1.SaleTradingTermsPaymentDueInIntervalType = 1;

            Assert.IsTrue(dto1.Uid > 0, "Uid must be > 0 after insert.");

            dto1 = (ContactDto)proxy.GetByUid(dto1.Uid);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, dto1.SaleTradingTerms.Type, "Incorrect Sale Trading Terms Type");
            Assert.AreEqual(14, dto1.SaleTradingTerms.Interval, "Incorrect Sale Trading Terms Interval");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, dto1.SaleTradingTerms.IntervalType, "Incorrect Sale Trading Terms Interval Type");
        public void EnsureInvalidControlCharactersAreRemoved()
            CrudProxy  proxy          = new ContactProxy();
            ContactDto validContact   = GetContact1();
            ContactDto invalidContact = GetContact1();

            invalidContact.GivenName        = invalidContact.GivenName + "\r\n";
            invalidContact.FamilyName       = invalidContact.FamilyName + "\r\n";
            invalidContact.OrganisationName = invalidContact.OrganisationName + "

            var fromDb = (ContactDto)proxy.GetByUid(invalidContact.Uid);

            Assert.AreEqual(validContact.GivenName, fromDb.GivenName, "Given name should not contain any invalid characters.");
            Assert.AreEqual(validContact.FamilyName, fromDb.FamilyName, "Family name should not contain any invalid characters");
            Assert.AreEqual(validContact.OrganisationName, fromDb.OrganisationName, "Organisation name should not contain any invalid characters.");
        public void Update()
            CrudProxy  proxy = new ContactProxy();
            ContactDto dto1  = this.GetContact1();


            Assert.IsTrue(dto1.Uid > 0, "Uid must be > 0 after save.");

            int    tempContactUid = dto1.Uid;
            string lastUpdatedUid = dto1.LastUpdatedUid;

            dto1                = this.GetContact2();
            dto1.Uid            = tempContactUid;
            dto1.LastUpdatedUid = lastUpdatedUid;

            AssertEqual(dto1, (ContactDto)proxy.GetByUid(dto1.Uid));
        public void Delete()
            CrudProxy proxy = new ContactProxy();

            ContactDto dto1 = this.GetContact1();



                throw new Exception("The expected exception was not thrown.");
            catch (RestException ex)
                Assert.AreEqual("RecordNotFoundException", ex.Type, "Incorrect exception type.");
        public void PurchaseTradingTerms()
            CrudProxy  proxy = new ContactProxy();
            ContactDto dto1  = this.GetContact1();

            dto1.SaleTradingTermsPaymentDueInInterval         = 0;
            dto1.SaleTradingTermsPaymentDueInIntervalType     = 0;
            dto1.PurchaseTradingTermsPaymentDueInInterval     = 0;
            dto1.PurchaseTradingTermsPaymentDueInIntervalType = 0;

            dto1.SaleTradingTerms = GetPurchaseTradingTermsDto1();


            Assert.IsTrue(dto1.Uid > 0, "Uid must be > 0 after insert.");

            dto1 = (ContactDto)proxy.GetByUid(dto1.Uid);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, dto1.SaleTradingTerms.Type, "Incorrect Purchase Trading Terms Type");
            Assert.AreEqual(30, dto1.SaleTradingTerms.Interval, "Incorrect Purchase Trading Terms Interval");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, dto1.SaleTradingTerms.IntervalType, "Incorrect Purchase Trading Terms Interval Type");