public void SetRootComp(CompData comp)
            rootcomp                   = comp;
            Box_Name.value             =;
            Box_Category.value         = comp.catagory;
            Box_SimCode_FuncName.value = comp.Code_Sim_FuncName;
            //Box_AfterSimCode_FuncName.value = comp.Code_AfterSim_FuncName;
            Box_InternalState_Length.value = comp.internalstate_length.ToString();
            Box_ClickType.value            = rootcomp.IsClickable ? rootcomp.ClickAction_Type.ToString() : "";
            OverlayTextBox.value           = rootcomp.OverlayText;
            ComponentValueInputCount.value = rootcomp.valuebox_length.ToString();

            CodeBox_Sim.t.Text = comp.Code_Sim;
            //CodeBox_AfterSim.t.Text = comp.Code_AfterSim;
            gridpaint.currot = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < rootcomp.valuebox_length; i++)
            if (rootcomp.pindesc == null)
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Inspects data strips around the specified index and combines them into one strip if the data is the same.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_index"></param>
        private void Meld(int _index, MeldDir _dir)
            var index = _index;

            if (index != 0 && (_dir == MeldDir.Front || _dir == MeldDir.Both))
                //Meld to prior index if possible
                if (DataBlock[index].Data.Equals(DataBlock[index - 1].Data))
                    var newCount = DataBlock[index].count + DataBlock[index - 1].count;
                    DataBlock[index - 1] = new CompData <T>(DataBlock[index].Data, newCount);

            if (index != DataBlock.Count - 1 && (_dir == MeldDir.Back || _dir == MeldDir.Both))
                //Meld to following index if possible
                if (DataBlock[index].Data.Equals(DataBlock[index + 1].Data))
                    var newCount = DataBlock[index].count + DataBlock[index + 1].count;
                    DataBlock[index] = new CompData <T>(DataBlock[index].Data, newCount);
                    DataBlock.RemoveAt(index + 1);
        public void SetRootcomp(Component rootcomp)
            this.rootcomp = rootcomp;
            CompData compdata        = Sim_Component.Components_Data[rootcomp.dataID];
            int      parmetercount   = compdata.valuebox_length;
            int      maxstringlength = (int)Sim_Component.Components_Data[rootcomp.dataID].parameters.Max(x => UI_Handler.genbutconf.font.MeasureString(x + ": ").X);

            this.Title = Sim_Component.Components_Data[rootcomp.dataID].name + " Parameters";
            this.ui_elements.RemoveRange(1, this.ui_elements.Count - 1);
            if (parmetercount > 0)
                this.Add_UI_Elements(new UI_String(new Pos(bezelsize, headheight + bezelsize), new Point(size.X / 2, (int)(UI_Handler.genbutconf.font.MeasureString("Test").Y)), UI_Handler.genbutconf, Sim_Component.Components_Data[rootcomp.dataID].parameters[0] + ": "));
                UI_ValueInput curval = new UI_ValueInput(new Pos(maxstringlength, 0, ORIGIN.DEFAULT, ORIGIN.DEFAULT, this.ui_elements[1]), new Point(size.X / 2, (int)(UI_Handler.genbutconf.font.MeasureString("Test").Y)), UI_Handler.genbutconf, 1, 10);
                curval.ValueChanged += input_ValueChanged;
                curval.value         = rootcomp.totalstates[compdata.internalstate_length + compdata.OverlaySeg_length].ToString();

                for (int i = 2; i < parmetercount + 1; i++)
                    this.Add_UI_Elements(new UI_String(new Pos(0, 5, ORIGIN.BL, ORIGIN.DEFAULT, this.ui_elements[i * 2 - 3]), new Point(size.X / 2, (int)(UI_Handler.genbutconf.font.MeasureString("Test").Y)), UI_Handler.genbutconf, Sim_Component.Components_Data[rootcomp.dataID].parameters[i - 1] + ": "));
                    curval = new UI_ValueInput(new Pos(maxstringlength, 0, ORIGIN.DEFAULT, ORIGIN.DEFAULT, this.ui_elements[i * 2 - 1]), new Point(size.X / 2, (int)(UI_Handler.genbutconf.font.MeasureString("Test").Y)), UI_Handler.genbutconf, 1, 10);
                    curval.ValueChanged += input_ValueChanged;
                    curval.value         = rootcomp.totalstates[compdata.internalstate_length + compdata.OverlaySeg_length + i - 1].ToString();
                this.GetsUpdated = this.GetsDrawn = true;
        public void input_ValueChanged(object sender)
            UI_ValueInput cur      = sender as UI_ValueInput;
            int           index    = inputs.IndexOf(cur);
            CompData      compdata = Sim_Component.Components_Data[rootcomp.dataID];

            rootcomp.totalstates[compdata.internalstate_length + compdata.OverlaySeg_length + index] = int.Parse("0" + cur.value);
        public void DrawCompOverlays(SpriteBatch spritebatch)
            if (Simulator.worldzoom > 3)
                int topleftchunk_X, topleftchunk_Y;
                Simulator.Screen2worldcoo_int(Vector2.Zero, out topleftchunk_X, out topleftchunk_Y);
                int bottomrightchunk_X, bottomrightchunk_Y;
                Simulator.Screen2worldcoo_int(new Vector2(App.Screenwidth, App.Screenheight), out bottomrightchunk_X, out bottomrightchunk_Y);
                int offset = 20;
                topleftchunk_X     -= offset;
                topleftchunk_Y     -= offset;
                bottomrightchunk_X += offset;
                bottomrightchunk_Y += offset;

                topleftchunk_X     = MathHelper.Clamp(topleftchunk_X / 32, 0, Simulator.SIZEX / 32 - 1);
                topleftchunk_Y     = MathHelper.Clamp(topleftchunk_Y / 32, 0, Simulator.SIZEY / 32 - 1);
                bottomrightchunk_X = MathHelper.Clamp(bottomrightchunk_X / 32, 0, Simulator.SIZEX / 32 - 1);
                bottomrightchunk_Y = MathHelper.Clamp(bottomrightchunk_Y / 32, 0, Simulator.SIZEY / 32 - 1);
                for (int x = topleftchunk_X; x <= bottomrightchunk_X; ++x)
                    for (int y = topleftchunk_Y; y <= bottomrightchunk_Y; ++y)
                        if (CompOverlayGrid[x, y] != null)
                            for (int i = 0; i < CompOverlayGrid[x, y].Count; ++i)
                                int      ID       = CompOverlayGrid[x, y][i];
                                CompData compdata = Components_Data[components[ID].dataID];
                                if (compdata.OverlayText.Length > 0)
                                    Vector2 size = CompData.overlayfont.MeasureString(compdata.OverlayText);
                                    Vector2 pos  = new Vector2((components[ID].pos.ToVector2().X + compdata.OverlayTextPos[components[ID].rotation].X + 0.5f) * (float)Math.Pow(2, Simulator.worldzoom) + Simulator.worldpos.X, (components[ID].pos.ToVector2().Y + compdata.OverlayTextPos[components[ID].rotation].Y + 0.5f) * (float)Math.Pow(2, Simulator.worldzoom) + Simulator.worldpos.Y);
                                    spritebatch.DrawString(CompData.overlayfont, compdata.OverlayText, pos, Color.Black, 0, size / 2, compdata.OverlayTextSize[components[ID].rotation] * (float)Math.Pow(2, Simulator.worldzoom), SpriteEffects.None, 0);

                //for (int i = 0; i < 2000; ++i)
                //            {
                //                if (components[i] != null)
                //                {
                //                    CompData compdata = Components_Data[components[i].dataID];
                //                    if (compdata.OverlayText.Length > 0)
                //                    {
                //                        Vector2 size = CompData.overlayfont.MeasureString(compdata.OverlayText);
                //                        Vector2 pos = new Vector2((components[i].pos.ToVector2().X + compdata.OverlayTextPos[components[i].rotation].X + 0.5f) * (float)Math.Pow(2, Simulator.worldzoom) + Simulator.worldpos.X, (components[i].pos.ToVector2().Y + compdata.OverlayTextPos[components[i].rotation].Y + 0.5f) * (float)Math.Pow(2, Simulator.worldzoom) + Simulator.worldpos.Y);
                //                        spritebatch.DrawString(CompData.overlayfont, compdata.OverlayText, pos, Color.Black, 0, size / 2, compdata.OverlayTextSize[components[i].rotation] * (float)Math.Pow(2, Simulator.worldzoom), SpriteEffects.None, 0);
                //                    }
                //                }
                //            }
        public void Draw(SpriteBatch spritebatch)
            if (Simulator.IsPinDesc && Simulator.worldzoom > 4)
                int topleftchunk_X, topleftchunk_Y;
                Simulator.Screen2worldcoo_int(Vector2.Zero, out topleftchunk_X, out topleftchunk_Y);
                int bottomrightchunk_X, bottomrightchunk_Y;
                Simulator.Screen2worldcoo_int(new Vector2(App.Screenwidth, App.Screenheight), out bottomrightchunk_X, out bottomrightchunk_Y);
                int offset = 20;
                topleftchunk_X     -= offset;
                topleftchunk_Y     -= offset;
                bottomrightchunk_X += offset;
                bottomrightchunk_Y += offset;

                topleftchunk_X     = MathHelper.Clamp(topleftchunk_X / 32, 0, Simulator.SIZEX / 32 - 1);
                topleftchunk_Y     = MathHelper.Clamp(topleftchunk_Y / 32, 0, Simulator.SIZEY / 32 - 1);
                bottomrightchunk_X = MathHelper.Clamp(bottomrightchunk_X / 32, 0, Simulator.SIZEX / 32 - 1);
                bottomrightchunk_Y = MathHelper.Clamp(bottomrightchunk_Y / 32, 0, Simulator.SIZEY / 32 - 1);
                for (int x = topleftchunk_X; x <= bottomrightchunk_X; ++x)
                    for (int y = topleftchunk_Y; y <= bottomrightchunk_Y; ++y)
                        if (PinDescGrid[x, y] != null)
                            for (int i = 0; i < PinDescGrid[x, y].Count; ++i)
                                int      ID       = PinDescGrid[x, y][i];
                                CompData compdata = Components_Data[components[ID].dataID];
                                for (int j = 0; j < compdata.pindesc.Length; ++j)
                                    if (compdata.pindesc[j] != null)
                                        Vector2 size    = CompData.overlayfont.MeasureString(compdata.pindesc[j]);
                                        float   maxsize = Math.Max(size.X, size.Y);
                                        float   mul     = 1.0f;
                                        if (maxsize > 140)
                                            mul = 140.0f / maxsize;
                                        Vector2 pos = new Vector2((components[ID].pos.ToVector2().X + compdata.pindescpos[components[ID].rotation, j].X + 0.5f) * (float)Math.Pow(2, Simulator.worldzoom) + Simulator.worldpos.X, (components[ID].pos.ToVector2().Y + compdata.pindescpos[components[ID].rotation, j].Y + 0.5f) * (float)Math.Pow(2, Simulator.worldzoom) + Simulator.worldpos.Y);
                                        spritebatch.DrawString(CompData.overlayfont, compdata.pindesc[j], pos, Color.Red, 0, size / 2, 0.0036f * mul * (float)Math.Pow(2, Simulator.worldzoom), SpriteEffects.None, 0);
                                //if (compdata.OverlayText.Length > 0)
                                //	Vector2 size = CompData.overlayfont.MeasureString(compdata.OverlayText);
                                //	Vector2 pos = new Vector2((components[ID].pos.ToVector2().X + compdata.OverlayTextPos[components[ID].rotation].X + 0.5f) * (float)Math.Pow(2, Simulator.worldzoom) + Simulator.worldpos.X, (components[ID].pos.ToVector2().Y + compdata.OverlayTextPos[components[ID].rotation].Y + 0.5f) * (float)Math.Pow(2, Simulator.worldzoom) + Simulator.worldpos.Y);
                                //	spritebatch.DrawString(CompData.overlayfont, compdata.OverlayText, pos, Color.Black, 0, size / 2, compdata.OverlayTextSize[components[ID].rotation] * (float)Math.Pow(2, Simulator.worldzoom), SpriteEffects.None, 0);
Beispiel #7
        public void EditCompWindow(object sender)
            UI_Component comp = sender as UI_Component;

            UI_Handler.editcompwindow.GetsUpdated = UI_Handler.editcompwindow.GetsDrawn = true;
            string[] names    = comp.ID_Name.Split('|');
            CompData compdata = CompLibrary.LibraryWindow_LoadedLibraries.Find(x => == names[0]).Components.Find(x => == names[1]);

Beispiel #8
        public void RenameComp_Finish(object sender)
            string[] names = UI_Handler.EditComp.ID_Name.Split('|');
            CompData comp  = CompLibrary.LibraryWindow_LoadedLibraries.Find(x => == names[0]).Components.Find(x => == names[1]);

            if (RenameBox2.value.Length > 0)
       = RenameBox2.value;
            RenameBox2.GetsUpdated = RenameBox2.GetsDrawn = false;
Beispiel #9
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            string input = null;

            if (!DA.GetData(0, ref input))

            var splitInput = input.Split('-').ToList();

            DA.SetDataList(0, CompData.GetComponents(splitInput[0].Trim()));
        protected override void DrawSpecific(SpriteBatch spritebatch)

            Matrix matrix = Matrix.Identity;

            if (App.Render_PreviousMatrix_Index > 0)
                matrix = App.Render_PreviousMatrix[App.Render_PreviousMatrix_Index - 1];
            spritebatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, null, null, null, null, effect, matrix);
            spritebatch.Draw(tex, pos.pos.ToVector2(), Color.White);

            spritebatch.GraphicsDevice.ScissorRectangle = new Rectangle(absolutpos - parent.absolutpos, size);
            spritebatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, null, null, null, _rasterizerState, null, matrix);
            int pincount = 0, ledsegmentcount = 0;

            if (zoom > 3)
                for (int i = 0; i < pixel.Count; ++i)
                    if (pixel[i].type > Sim_Component.PINOFFSET)
                        spritebatch.DrawString(conf.font, (pixel[i].type - (Sim_Component.PINOFFSET + 1)).ToString(), absolutpos.ToVector2() + new Vector2((pixel[i].pos.X + Origin.X) * (float)Math.Pow(2, zoom) + worldpos.X + pinpositions[pincount].X, (pixel[i].pos.Y + Origin.Y) * (float)Math.Pow(2, zoom) + worldpos.Y + pinpositions[pincount].Y), Color.Red);
                    else if (pixel[i].type == 4)
                        spritebatch.DrawString(conf.font, ledsegment_IDs[pixel[i].pos.X + Origin.X, pixel[i].pos.Y + Origin.Y].ToString(), absolutpos.ToVector2() + new Vector2((pixel[i].pos.X + Origin.X) * (float)Math.Pow(2, zoom) + worldpos.X + ledsegmentpositions[ledsegmentcount].X, (pixel[i].pos.Y + Origin.Y) * (float)Math.Pow(2, zoom) + worldpos.Y + ledsegmentpositions[ledsegmentcount].Y), Color.Red);
            if (UI_EditComp_Window.rootcomp.OverlayText.Length > 0)
                CompData compdata = UI_EditComp_Window.rootcomp;
                Vector2  size     = CompData.overlayfont.MeasureString(compdata.OverlayText);
                Vector2  pos      = absolutpos.ToVector2() + new Vector2((compdata.OverlayTextPos[currot].X + Origin.X + 0.5f) * (float)Math.Pow(2, zoom) + worldpos.X, (compdata.OverlayTextPos[currot].Y + Origin.Y + 0.5f) * (float)Math.Pow(2, zoom) + worldpos.Y);
                spritebatch.DrawString(CompData.overlayfont, compdata.OverlayText, pos, Color.Black, 0, size / 2, compdata.OverlayTextSize[currot] * (float)Math.Pow(2, zoom), SpriteEffects.None, 0);
                if (UI_EditComp_Window.IsInOverlayMode)
                    spritebatch.DrawHollowRectangle(new Rectangle((pos - (size * compdata.OverlayTextSize[currot] * (float)Math.Pow(2, zoom)) / 2).ToPoint(), (size * compdata.OverlayTextSize[currot] * (float)Math.Pow(2, zoom)).ToPoint()), Color.Blue, 2);
            spritebatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, null, null, null, null, null, matrix);

Beispiel #11
        public void AddComp(object sender)
            UI_StringButton pressedElement = sender as UI_StringButton;
            string          startname      = "New Component";
            string          finalname      = "";

            for (int y = 1; ; y++)
                bool DoesExist = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < CompLibrary.LibraryWindow_LoadedLibraries.Count; ++i)
                    bool state = CompLibrary.LibraryWindow_LoadedLibraries[i].Components.Exists(x => == startname + y.ToString());
                    if (state)
                        DoesExist = true;
                if (!DoesExist)
                    finalname = startname + y.ToString();
            CompLibrary curlib  = CompLibrary.LibraryWindow_LoadedLibraries.Find(x => == pressedElement.parent.ID_Name);
            CompData    newComp = new CompData(finalname, "Other", false, false);


            Libraries.ui_elements.ForEach(x => { if (x.pos.parent == Libraries)
                                                     x.pos.Y -= 1000000;
            UI_Component curUIcomp;
            int          libindex_UI = Libraries.ui_elements[0].ui_elements.FindIndex(x => == pressedElement.parent.ID_Name);

            curUIcomp              = Libraries.ui_elements[0].ui_elements[libindex_UI].Components.ui_elements.Last();
            RenameBox2.pos         = new Pos(Libraries.pos.X, (curUIcomp.absolutpos.Y - this.pos.Y), ORIGIN.DEFAULT, ORIGIN.DEFAULT, this);
            RenameBox2.size        = curUIcomp.size;
            RenameBox2.value       = finalname;
            RenameBox2.ID_Name     = finalname;
            RenameBox2.GetsUpdated = RenameBox2.GetsDrawn = true;
            UI_Handler.EditComp.ID_Name = + "|" + finalname;
Beispiel #12
        private void buttonGetComps_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            List<CompData> comps = new List<CompData>();
             foreach (var item in _users)
            CompData comp = new CompData(item);
             SearchComp(comps, "");
             SearchComp(comps, "");


        public Component(int dataID, int ID)
            this.dataID = dataID;
            this.ID     = ID;
            CompData compdata = Sim_Component.Components_Data[dataID];

            if (compdata.IsOverlay)
            if (compdata.totalstate_length > 0)
                totalstates = new int[compdata.totalstate_length];
            pinNetworkIDs = new int[compdata.pin_num];
Beispiel #14
        public static void GenerateSimulationData()
            int count = 1;

            line_num = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i <= Simulator.highestNetworkID; ++i)
                if (Simulator.networks[i] != null)
                    WireMap[i]           = count;
                    WireMapInv[count]    = i;
                    WireStates_IN[count] = WireStates_OUT[count] = Simulator.networks[i].state;
                    line_num += Simulator.networks[i].lines.Count;
            WireStates_count = count;

            int compcount = 0, infocount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Sim_Component.nextComponentID; ++i)
                if (Sim_Component.components[i] != null)
                    Component curcomp = Sim_Component.components[i];
                    CompID[compcount++]    = infocount;
                    CompInfos[infocount++] = curcomp.dataID;
                    CompData compdata = Sim_Component.Components_Data[curcomp.dataID];

                    for (int j = 0; j < compdata.pin_num; ++j)
                        CompInfos[infocount++] = WireMap[curcomp.pinNetworkIDs[j]] - 1;
                    if (compdata.totalstate_length > 0)
                        IntStatesMap[i] = infocount;
                        for (int j = 0; j < compdata.totalstate_length; ++j)
                            CompInfos[infocount++] = curcomp.totalstates[j];
            comp_num = compcount;
Beispiel #15
        public WeaponComponent(Session session, MyCubeBlock myCube, MyStringHash subtype)
            Session     = session;
            MyCube      = myCube;
            Slim        = myCube.SlimBlock;
            SubtypeHash = subtype;

            MaxIntegrity = Slim.MaxIntegrity;

            var turret = MyCube as IMyLargeTurretBase;

            if (turret != null)
                TurretBase = turret;
                TurretBase.EnableIdleRotation = false;
                BaseType = BlockType.Turret;
            else if (MyCube is IMyConveyorSorter)
                BaseType = BlockType.Sorter;
                BaseType = BlockType.Fixed;

            TerminalBlock   = myCube as IMyTerminalBlock;
            FunctionalBlock = myCube as IMyFunctionalBlock;

            BlockInventory = (MyInventory)MyCube.GetInventoryBase();
            SinkPower      = IdlePower;
            Platform       = session.PlatFormPool.Get();

            Monitors = new List <Action <long, int, ulong, long, Vector3D, bool> > [Platform.Weapons.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < Monitors.Length; i++)
                Monitors[i] = new List <Action <long, int, ulong, long, Vector3D, bool> >();

            Data = new CompData(this);

            MyCube.OnClose += Session.CloseComps;
Beispiel #16
        public void Refresh()
            CompData  compData  = this.compChart.Controller.CompData;
            ChartType chartType = compData.ChartType;

            if (chartType == ChartType.KLine)
                IStrategyDrawer drawer = drawOperator.GetDrawer_KLine(compData.KlinePeriod);
            else if (chartType == ChartType.TimeLine)
            else if (chartType == ChartType.Tick)
 public ComputersSL(GameObject prop)
     cd = prop.GetComponent<Computers>().cd;
Beispiel #18
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            string input = null;

            if (!DA.GetData(0, ref input))
            var RSP = 0;

            if (!DA.GetData(1, ref RSP))

            var splitInput = input.Split('-').ToList();
            var results    = CompData.GetWindow(splitInput[0].Trim());
            var RSL        = int.Parse(splitInput.Last());
            var gValue     = 0d;
            var uValue     = 0d;

            decimal repNum = 0;
            decimal tmp    = ((decimal)RSP / (decimal)RSL) - 1;

            if (RSL != 0 && RSP != 0)
                repNum = Math.Ceiling(tmp);
            if (repNum < 0)
                repNum = 0;
            if (repNum == 0)
                repNum = 0;

            var sumResults = from row in results
                             group row by row.SortCode.Trim() into rowSum
                             select new
                SortCodeGrp             = rowSum.Key,
                UBP13EmbodiedSum        = rowSum.Sum(x => x.UBP13Embodied),
                UBP13RepSum             = rowSum.Sum(x => (x.UBP13Embodied + x.UBP13EoL) * repNum),
                UBP13EoLSum             = rowSum.Sum(x => x.UBP13EoL),
                TotalEmbodiedSum        = rowSum.Sum(x => x.TotalEmbodied),
                TotalRepSum             = rowSum.Sum(x => (x.TotalEmbodied + x.TotalEoL) * repNum),
                TotalEoLSum             = rowSum.Sum(x => x.TotalEoL),
                RenewableEmbodiedSum    = rowSum.Sum(x => x.RenewableEmbodied),
                RenewableRepSum         = rowSum.Sum(x => (x.RenewableEmbodied + x.RenewableEoL) * repNum),
                RenewableEoLSum         = rowSum.Sum(x => x.RenewableEoL),
                NonRenewableEmbodiedSum = rowSum.Sum(x => x.NonRenewableEmbodied),
                NonRenewableRepSum      = rowSum.Sum(x => (x.NonRenewableEmbodied + x.NonRenewableEoL) * repNum),
                NonRenewableEoLSum      = rowSum.Sum(x => x.NonRenewableEoL),
                GHGEmbodiedSum          = rowSum.Sum(x => x.GHGEmbodied),
                GHGRepSum    = rowSum.Sum(x => (x.GHGEmbodied + x.GHGEoL) * repNum),
                GHGEoLEoLSum = rowSum.Sum(x => x.GHGEoL)

            var result = new List <double>();

            foreach (var item in results)
                uValue = (double)item.Uvalue;
                gValue = (double)item.Gvalue;

            foreach (var item in sumResults)
                result.Add((double)item.UBP13EmbodiedSum);        //UBP13Embodied 1
                result.Add((double)item.UBP13RepSum);             //UBP13Rep 2
                result.Add((double)item.UBP13EoLSum);             //UBP13EoL 3
                result.Add((double)item.TotalEmbodiedSum);        //TotalEmbodied 4
                result.Add((double)item.TotalRepSum);             //TotalRep 5
                result.Add((double)item.TotalEoLSum);             //TotalEoL 6
                result.Add((double)item.RenewableEmbodiedSum);    //RenewableEmbodied 7
                result.Add((double)item.RenewableRepSum);         //RenewableRep 8
                result.Add((double)item.RenewableEoLSum);         //RenewableRep 9
                result.Add((double)item.NonRenewableEmbodiedSum); //NonRenewableEmbodied 10
                result.Add((double)item.NonRenewableRepSum);      //NonRenewableRep 11
                result.Add((double)item.NonRenewableEoLSum);      //NonRenewableEoL 12
                result.Add((double)item.GHGEmbodiedSum);          //GHGEmbodied 13
                result.Add((double)item.GHGRepSum);               //GHGRep 14
                result.Add((double)item.GHGEoLEoLSum);            //GHGEoL 15

            DA.SetData(1, result[16]);
            DA.SetData(2, result[17]);
            if (result.Any())
                result.RemoveAt(result.Count - 1);
            DA.SetDataList(0, result);
        public void DrawLineOverlays(SpriteBatch spritebatch)
            int count = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < CompMayneedoverlay.Count; ++i)
                int      compID    = CompMayneedoverlay[i];
                CompData compdata  = Components_Data[components[compID].dataID];
                int      ovstateID = compdata.internalstate_length;
                for (int k = 0; k < compdata.OverlaySeg_length; ++k)
                    int ovstate = Sim_INF_DLL.CompInfos[Sim_INF_DLL.IntStatesMap[compID] + ovstateID + k];//  components[compID].internalstates[ovstateID + k];
                    if (Simulator.cursimframe == 0)
                        ovstate = 0;
                    Component comp = components[compID];
                    List <VertexPositionLine> CompOverlaylines = Components_Data[comp.dataID].overlaylines_vertices[k][comp.rotation];
                    for (int j = 0; j < CompOverlaylines.Count; ++j)
                        overlaylines[count]           = CompOverlaylines[j];
                        overlaylines[count].layers    = 4 - ovstate;
                        overlaylines[count].Position += new Vector3(components[compID].pos.X, components[compID].pos.Y, 0);

            if (count > 0)
      , overlaylines, 0, count / 2);
            bool IsInGrid = Simulator.mo_worldposx > 0 && Simulator.mo_worldposy > 0 && Simulator.mo_worldposx < Simulator.SIZEX - 1 && Simulator.mo_worldposy < Simulator.SIZEY - 1;

            if (IsInGrid && !Simulator.IsAllHighlight)
                int netID = Simulator.WireIDs[Simulator.mo_worldposx / 2, Simulator.mo_worldposy / 2, Simulator.currentlayer];
                if (netID > 0 && (Simulator.IsWire[Simulator.mo_worldposx, Simulator.mo_worldposy] & (1 << Simulator.currentlayer)) > 0)
                    if (curhighlightID != netID)
                        Network netw = Simulator.networks[netID];
                        if (highlight_vertices != null)
                  , highlight_vertices, 0, highlight_vertices.Length / 2);
                        highlight_vertices = new VertexPositionLine[netw.lines.Count * 2];
                        int count2 = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < netw.lines.Count; ++i)
                            VertexPositionLine l1, l2;
                            Line line = new Line(netw.lines[i].start, netw.lines[i].end);
                            line.Convert2LineVertices(1.0f, out l1, out l2);
                            highlight_vertices[count2++] = l1;
                            highlight_vertices[count2++] = l2;

              , highlight_vertices, 0, highlight_vertices.Length / 2);
                        spritebatch.Draw(Simulator.main_target, Vector2.Zero, Color.White);
                    curhighlightID = netID;
                    if (curhighlightID != 0)
                    curhighlightID = 0;
Beispiel #20
    /// <summary>
    /// Get parameter data from the base design.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="VarList">Reference to the class that will store the gathered parameter data.</param>
    bool GetBaseVariants()
            IDXPWorkSpace CurrentWorkspace = DXP.GlobalVars.DXPWorkSpace;
            IDXPProject   CurrentProject;
            int           LogicalDocumentCount;
            int           LoopIterator;
            IDXPDocument  CurrentSheet;
            CurrentProject       = CurrentWorkspace.DM_FocusedProject();
            LogicalDocumentCount = CurrentProject.DM_LogicalDocumentCount();
            ISch_ServerInterface SchServer = SCH.GlobalVars.SchServer;
            IClient         Client         = DXP.GlobalVars.Client;
            IServerDocument ServerDoc;
            IDXPDocument    ActiveDoc = DXP.GlobalVars.DXPWorkSpace.DM_FocusedDocument(); //Save current open document so it can be reopened after process is done.
            string          RefDes;
            CompData        NewComp;

            bool DocOpened = false;
            //iterate through project documents.
            for (LoopIterator = 1; LoopIterator <= LogicalDocumentCount; LoopIterator++)
                CurrentSheet = CurrentProject.DM_LogicalDocuments(LoopIterator - 1);
                //Check for schematic documents.
                if (CurrentSheet.DM_DocumentKind() == "SCH")
                    DocOpened = false;
                    //Open documents
                    if (Client.IsDocumentOpen(CurrentSheet.DM_FullPath()))
                        ServerDoc = Client.GetDocumentByPath(CurrentSheet.DM_FullPath());
                        DocOpened = true;
                        ServerDoc = Client.OpenDocument("SCH", CurrentSheet.DM_FullPath());


                    ISch_Lib SchDoc;
                    SchDoc = SchServer.LoadSchDocumentByPath(CurrentSheet.DM_FullPath()) as ISch_Lib;

                    ISch_Iterator  LibraryIterator, PIterator;
                    ISch_Component Component;
                    ISch_Parameter Param;
                    if (SchDoc == null)
                    //Iterate theough all components on the schematic.
                    LibraryIterator = SchDoc.SchIterator_Create();
                    LibraryIterator.AddFilter_ObjectSet(new SCH.TObjectSet(SCH.TObjectId.eSchComponent));

                    Component = LibraryIterator.FirstSchObject() as ISch_Component;

                    while (Component != null)
                        NewComp = new CompData("");
                        if (Component.GetState_SchDesignator().GetState_Text().Contains("?"))
                            MessageBox.Show("Detected and un-annotated refdes. Please Annotate the project and try again.");
                        RefDes              = Component.GetState_SchDesignator().GetState_Text();
                        NewComp.RefDes      = RefDes;
                        NewComp.Base_LibRef = Component.GetState_DesignItemId();
                        NewComp.UniqueID    = Component.GetState_UniqueId();
                        //Iterate theough all parameters in the component.
                        PIterator = Component.SchIterator_Create();
                        PIterator.AddFilter_ObjectSet(new SCH.TObjectSet(SCH.TObjectId.eParameter));

                        Param = PIterator.FirstSchObject() as ISch_Parameter;
                        while (Param != null)
                            if (Param.GetState_Name() != null)
                                //Store specific parameter data.
                                if ("PARTNUMBER" == Param.GetState_Name().ToUpper())
                                    NewComp.Base_Partnumber = Param.GetState_CalculatedValueString();

                            Param = PIterator.NextSchObject() as ISch_Parameter;


                        Component = LibraryIterator.NextSchObject() as ISch_Component;

                    //if (ServerDoc.GetModified())
                    //    ServerDoc.DoFileSave("");

                    //Close opend documents.
                    if (!DocOpened)

                    ServerDoc = null;

        catch (Exception ex)
            ErrorMail.LogError("Error in " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ".", ex);
Beispiel #21
    /// <summary>
    /// Get parameter data from an existing variant.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="VarList">Reference to the class that will store the gathered parameter data.</param>
    bool Get_Variants(string VariantName)
            IProject            project = DXP.GlobalVars.DXPWorkSpace.DM_FocusedProject() as IProject;
            IProjectVariant     Variant;
            IComponentVariation CompVariant;
            IParameterVariation ParamVariant;
            CompData            NewComp;
            //VarParam<string, string> Parameters = new VarParam<string, string>();
            string RefDes;
            int    l = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < project.DM_ProjectVariantCount(); i++)
                Variant = project.DM_ProjectVariants(i);

                //Find the variant that matches the one provided.
                if (project.DM_ProjectVariants(i).DM_Description().ToUpper() == VariantName)
                    for (int j = 0; j < Variant.DM_VariationCount(); j++)
                        NewComp                 = new CompData("");
                        CompVariant             = Variant.DM_Variations(j);
                        RefDes                  = CompVariant.DM_PhysicalDesignator();
                        NewComp.RefDes          = RefDes;
                        NewComp.Base_Partnumber = RefCompList[RefDes].Base_Partnumber;
                        if (CompVariant.DM_VariationKind() == TVariationKind.eVariation_Alternate)
                            if (VariantName.ToUpper() == "VAR_ENG")
                                NewComp.Var_Eng_LibRef = CompVariant.DM_AlternateLibraryLink().DM_DesignItemID();
                            else if (VariantName.ToUpper() == "VAR_FLT")
                                NewComp.Var_Flt_LibRef = CompVariant.DM_AlternateLibraryLink().DM_DesignItemID();
                        //checking to make sure all components have a refdes assigned.
                        if (RefDes.Contains("?"))
                            MessageBox.Show("Detected and un-annotated refdes. Please Annotate the project and try again.");
                        //Iterate through all parameters for current component variant.
                        for (int k = 0; k < CompVariant.DM_VariationCount(); k++)
                            if (CompVariant.DM_VariationKind() != TVariationKind.eVariation_NotFitted)
                                ParamVariant = CompVariant.DM_Variations(k);
                                if (VariantName.ToUpper() != "VAR_PE")
                                    //Get values of matching parameters.
                                    if ("PARTNUMBER" == ParamVariant.DM_ParameterName().ToUpper())
                                        if (VariantName.ToUpper() == "VAR_ENG")
                                            NewComp.Var_Eng_Partnumber = ParamVariant.DM_VariedValue();
                                        else if (VariantName.ToUpper() == "VAR_FLT")
                                            NewComp.Var_Flt_Partnumber = ParamVariant.DM_VariedValue();
                                    if ("PE_FLT" == ParamVariant.DM_ParameterName().ToUpper())
                                        NewComp.PE_FLT_Partnumber = (ParamVariant.DM_VariedValue() == null) ? ParamVariant.DM_VariedValue() : "";
                                    else if ("PE_ENG" == ParamVariant.DM_ParameterName().ToUpper())
                                        NewComp.PE_ENG_Partnumber = (ParamVariant.DM_VariedValue() == null) ? ParamVariant.DM_VariedValue() : "";
        catch (Exception ex)
            ErrorMail.LogError("Error in " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ".", ex);
Beispiel #22
 void AddPart(CompData Component)
     RefCompList.Add(Component.RefDes, Component);
     PartnumberCompList.Add(Component.Base_Partnumber, Component);
     ///add to each dictionary
        public override void UpdateSpecific()
            if (new Rectangle(pos.pos, size).Contains(App.mo_states.New.Position) && !DenyInteraction && !(UI_Handler.IsInScrollable && !UI_Handler.IsInScrollable_Bounds.Contains(App.mo_states.New.Position)))
                #region Position and Zoom

                if (App.kb_states.New.IsKeyDown(Keys.W))
                    worldpos.Y += 10;
                if (App.kb_states.New.IsKeyDown(Keys.S))
                    worldpos.Y -= 10;
                if (App.kb_states.New.IsKeyDown(Keys.A))
                    worldpos.X += 10;
                if (App.kb_states.New.IsKeyDown(Keys.D))
                    worldpos.X -= 10;

                worldpos.X = (int)(worldpos.X);
                worldpos.Y = (int)(worldpos.Y);

                if (App.mo_states.New.ScrollWheelValue != App.mo_states.Old.ScrollWheelValue)
                    if (App.mo_states.New.ScrollWheelValue < App.mo_states.Old.ScrollWheelValue && zoom > minmaxzoom.X) // Zooming Out
                        zoom -= 1;
                        Vector2 diff = worldpos - (App.mo_states.New.Position.ToVector2() - pos.pos.ToVector2());
                        worldpos = (App.mo_states.New.Position.ToVector2() - pos.pos.ToVector2()) + diff / 2;
                    else if (App.mo_states.New.ScrollWheelValue > App.mo_states.Old.ScrollWheelValue && zoom < minmaxzoom.Y) // Zooming In
                        zoom += 1;
                        Vector2 diff = worldpos - (App.mo_states.New.Position.ToVector2() - pos.pos.ToVector2());
                        worldpos += diff;
                int mouse_worldpos_X, mouse_worldpos_Y;
                Screen2worldcoo_int(App.mo_states.New.Position.ToVector2() - absolutpos.ToVector2(), out mouse_worldpos_X, out mouse_worldpos_Y);
                if (mouse_worldpos_X >= 0 && mouse_worldpos_X < GridSize && mouse_worldpos_Y >= 0 && mouse_worldpos_Y < GridSize && currot == 0 && !UI_EditComp_Window.IsInOverlayMode)
                    if (App.mo_states.New.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                        // Place Pixel
                        if (pixel.Exists(x => x.pos.X == mouse_worldpos_X - Origin.X && x.pos.Y == mouse_worldpos_Y - Origin.Y))
                            int            index   = pixel.FindIndex(x => x.pos.X == mouse_worldpos_X - Origin.X && x.pos.Y == mouse_worldpos_Y - Origin.Y);
                            ComponentPixel curtype = pixel[index];
                            if (MathHelper.Clamp(curtype.type, 0, (Sim_Component.PINOFFSET + 1)) != curplacetype)
                                int type = curplacetype;
                                if (curtype.type == 4)
                                    int index2 = ledsegmentpixel_pos.FindIndex(x => x.X == (mouse_worldpos_X) && x.Y == (mouse_worldpos_Y));
                                pixel[index] = new ComponentPixel(new Point(mouse_worldpos_X - Origin.X, mouse_worldpos_Y - Origin.Y), (byte)type);
                                if (type == 4)
                                    ledsegmentpixel_pos.Add(new Point(mouse_worldpos_X, mouse_worldpos_Y));
                                if (type == 5)
                            int type = curplacetype;
                            pixel.Add(new ComponentPixel(new Point(mouse_worldpos_X - Origin.X, mouse_worldpos_Y - Origin.Y), (byte)type));
                            if (type == 4)
                                ledsegmentpixel_pos.Add(new Point(mouse_worldpos_X, mouse_worldpos_Y));
                            if (type == 5)
                        if (curplacetype == 5)
                            for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                                if (App.kb_states.IsKeyToggleDown(Keys.D0 + i))
                                    int            index = pixel.FindIndex(x => x.pos.X == mouse_worldpos_X - Origin.X && x.pos.Y == mouse_worldpos_Y - Origin.Y);
                                    ComponentPixel cur   = pixel[index];
                                    if (cur.type > Sim_Component.PINOFFSET)
                                        int val = cur.type - (Sim_Component.PINOFFSET + 1);
                                        if (val == 0 && i != 0)
                                            pixel[index] = new ComponentPixel(cur.pos, (byte)MathHelper.Clamp(i + Sim_Component.PINOFFSET + 1, 0, 240));
                                        else if (val != 0)
                                            pixel[index] = new ComponentPixel(cur.pos, (byte)MathHelper.Clamp(val * 10 + i + Sim_Component.PINOFFSET + 1, 0, 240));
                            if (App.kb_states.IsKeyToggleDown(Keys.Back))
                                int index = pixel.FindIndex(x => x.pos.X == mouse_worldpos_X - Origin.X && x.pos.Y == mouse_worldpos_Y - Origin.Y);
                                if (pixel[index].type > Sim_Component.PINOFFSET)
                                    pixel[index] = new ComponentPixel(pixel[index].pos, (byte)((pixel[index].type - (Sim_Component.PINOFFSET + 1)) / 10 + (Sim_Component.PINOFFSET + 1)));
                            else if (App.kb_states.IsKeyToggleDown(Keys.Escape))
                                int index = pixel.FindIndex(x => x.pos.X == mouse_worldpos_X - Origin.X && x.pos.Y == mouse_worldpos_Y - Origin.Y);
                                if (pixel[index].type > Sim_Component.PINOFFSET)
                                    pixel[index] = new ComponentPixel(pixel[index].pos, (byte)(Sim_Component.PINOFFSET + 1));
                        if (curplacetype == 4)
                            for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                                if (App.kb_states.IsKeyToggleDown(Keys.D0 + i))
                                    int            index = pixel.FindIndex(x => x.pos.X == mouse_worldpos_X - Origin.X && x.pos.Y == mouse_worldpos_Y - Origin.Y);
                                    ComponentPixel cur   = pixel[index];
                                    if (cur.type == 4)
                                        int val    = ledsegment_IDs[mouse_worldpos_X, mouse_worldpos_Y];// cur.type - (Sim_Component.PINOFFSET + 1);
                                        int index2 = ledsegmentpixel_pos.FindIndex(x => x.X == mouse_worldpos_X && x.Y == mouse_worldpos_Y);
                                        ledsegmentpixel[index2] = (byte)MathHelper.Clamp(val * 10 + i, 0, 240);
                                        //ledsegment_IDs[mouse_worldpos_X, mouse_worldpos_Y] = (byte)(val * 10 + i);
                                        //if (val == 0 && i != 0)
                                        //    pixel[index] = new ComponentPixel(cur.pos, (byte)i);
                                        //else if (val != 0)
                                        //    pixel[index] = new ComponentPixel(cur.pos, (byte)(val * 10 + i));
                            if (App.kb_states.IsKeyToggleDown(Keys.Back))
                                int index = pixel.FindIndex(x => x.pos.X == mouse_worldpos_X - Origin.X && x.pos.Y == mouse_worldpos_Y - Origin.Y);
                                if (pixel[index].type == 4)
                                    int index2 = ledsegmentpixel_pos.FindIndex(x => x.X == mouse_worldpos_X && x.Y == mouse_worldpos_Y);
                                    ledsegmentpixel[index2] /= 10;
                            else if (App.kb_states.IsKeyToggleDown(Keys.Escape))
                                int index = pixel.FindIndex(x => x.pos.X == mouse_worldpos_X - Origin.X && x.pos.Y == mouse_worldpos_Y - Origin.Y);
                                if (pixel[index].type == 4)
                                    int index2 = ledsegmentpixel_pos.FindIndex(x => x.X == mouse_worldpos_X && x.Y == mouse_worldpos_Y);
                                    ledsegmentpixel[index2] = 0;
                    if (App.mo_states.New.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                        int index   = pixel.FindIndex(x => x.pos.X == (mouse_worldpos_X - Origin.X) && x.pos.Y == (mouse_worldpos_Y - Origin.Y));
                        int curtype = -1;
                        if (index >= 0)
                            curtype = pixel[index].type;
                        if (index >= 0)
                        index = ledsegmentpixel_pos.FindIndex(x => x.X == (mouse_worldpos_X) && x.Y == (mouse_worldpos_Y));
                        if (index >= 0)
                        if (curtype >= 5)
                else if (UI_EditComp_Window.IsInOverlayMode)
                    CompData compdata = UI_EditComp_Window.rootcomp;
                    Vector2  size     = CompData.overlayfont.MeasureString(compdata.OverlayText) * compdata.OverlayTextSize[currot] * (float)Math.Pow(2, zoom);
                    Vector2  pos      = absolutpos.ToVector2() + new Vector2((compdata.OverlayTextPos[currot].X + Origin.X + 0.5f) * (float)Math.Pow(2, zoom) + worldpos.X, (compdata.OverlayTextPos[currot].Y + Origin.Y + 0.5f) * (float)Math.Pow(2, zoom) + worldpos.Y) - size / 2;
                    if (App.mo_states.New.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && App.kb_states.New.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftControl))
                        compdata.OverlayTextSize[currot] += (((float)(App.mo_states.New.Position.Y - App.mo_states.Old.Position.Y)) / (float)Math.Pow(2, zoom)) * 0.01f;
                    else if ((new Rectangle(pos.ToPoint(), size.ToPoint())).Contains(App.mo_states.New.Position) && App.mo_states.New.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                        compdata.OverlayTextPos[currot] += (App.mo_states.New.Position - App.mo_states.Old.Position).ToVector2() / (float)Math.Pow(2, zoom);


            effect.Parameters["zoom"].SetValue((float)Math.Pow(2, zoom));
Beispiel #24
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            string input = null;

            if (!DA.GetData(0, ref input))
            var RSP = 0;

            if (!DA.GetData(1, ref RSP))

            var splitInput = input.Split('-').ToList();
            var resultsDB  = CompData.GetGenComponent(splitInput[0].Trim(), null, true);
            var RSL        = int.Parse(splitInput.Last());

            decimal repNum = 0;
            decimal tmp    = ((decimal)RSP / (decimal)RSL) - 1;

            if (RSL != 0 && RSP != 0)
                repNum = Math.Ceiling(tmp);
            if (repNum < 0)
                repNum = 0;
            if (repNum == 0)
                repNum = 0;

            var sumResults = from row in resultsDB
                             group row by row.SortCode.Trim() into rowSum
                             select new
                SortCodeGrp             = rowSum.Key,
                UBP13EmbodiedSum        = rowSum.Sum(x => x.UBP13Embodied),
                UBP13RepSum             = rowSum.Sum(x => (x.UBP13Embodied + x.UBP13EoL) * repNum),
                UBP13EoLSum             = rowSum.Sum(x => x.UBP13EoL),
                TotalEmbodiedSum        = rowSum.Sum(x => x.TotalEmbodied),
                TotalRepSum             = rowSum.Sum(x => (x.TotalEmbodied + x.TotalEoL) * repNum),
                TotalEoLSum             = rowSum.Sum(x => x.TotalEoL),
                RenewableEmbodiedSum    = rowSum.Sum(x => x.RenewableEmbodied),
                RenewableRepSum         = rowSum.Sum(x => (x.RenewableEmbodied + x.RenewableEoL) * repNum),
                RenewableEoLSum         = rowSum.Sum(x => x.RenewableEoL),
                NonRenewableEmbodiedSum = rowSum.Sum(x => x.NonRenewableEmbodied),
                NonRenewableRepSum      = rowSum.Sum(x => (x.NonRenewableEmbodied + x.NonRenewableEoL) * repNum),
                NonRenewableEoLSum      = rowSum.Sum(x => x.NonRenewableEoL),
                GHGEmbodiedSum          = rowSum.Sum(x => x.GHGEmbodied),
                GHGRepSum     = rowSum.Sum(x => (x.GHGEmbodied + x.GHGEoL) * repNum),
                GHGEoLEoLSum  = rowSum.Sum(x => x.GHGEoL),
                ResistanceSum = rowSum.Sum(x => x.Resistance)

            var results = new Dictionary <string, double>
                { "UBP13 Embodied (P/m\xB2 a)", 0 },
                { "UBP13 Replacements (P/m\xB2 a)", 0 },
                { "UBP13 End of Life (P/m\xB2 a)", 0 },
                { "Total Embodied (kWh oil-eq)", 0 },
                { "Total Replacements (kWh oil-eq)", 0 },
                { "Total End of Life (kWh oil-eq)", 0 },
                { "Renewable Embodied (kWh oil-eq)", 0 },
                { "Renewable Replacements (kWh oil-eq)", 0 },
                { "Renewable End of Life (kWh oil-eq)", 0 },
                { "Non Renewable Embodied (kWh oil-eq)", 0 },
                { "Non Renewable Replacements (kWh oil-eq)", 0 },
                { "Non Renewable End of Life (kWh oil-eq)", 0 },
                { "Green House Gasses Embodied (kg CO\x2082-eq/m\xB2 a)", 0 },
                { "Green House Gasses Replacements (kg CO\x2082-eq/m\xB2 a)", 0 },
                { "Green House Gasses End of Life (kg CO\x2082-eq/m\xB2 a)", 0 },
                { "R value", 0 }

            foreach (var item in sumResults)
                results["UBP13 Embodied (P/m\xB2 a)"]              += (double)item.UBP13EmbodiedSum;
                results["UBP13 Replacements (P/m\xB2 a)"]          += (double)item.UBP13RepSum;
                results["UBP13 End of Life (P/m\xB2 a)"]           += (double)item.UBP13EoLSum;
                results["Total Embodied (kWh oil-eq)"]             += (double)item.TotalEmbodiedSum;
                results["Total Replacements (kWh oil-eq)"]         += (double)item.TotalRepSum;
                results["Total End of Life (kWh oil-eq)"]          += (double)item.TotalEoLSum;
                results["Renewable Embodied (kWh oil-eq)"]         += (double)item.RenewableEmbodiedSum;
                results["Renewable Replacements (kWh oil-eq)"]     += (double)item.RenewableRepSum;
                results["Renewable End of Life (kWh oil-eq)"]      += (double)item.RenewableEoLSum;
                results["Non Renewable Embodied (kWh oil-eq)"]     += (double)item.NonRenewableEmbodiedSum;
                results["Non Renewable Replacements (kWh oil-eq)"] += (double)item.NonRenewableRepSum;
                results["Non Renewable End of Life (kWh oil-eq)"]  += (double)item.NonRenewableEoLSum;
                results["Green House Gasses Embodied (kg CO\x2082-eq/m\xB2 a)"]     += (double)item.GHGEmbodiedSum;
                results["Green House Gasses Replacements (kg CO\x2082-eq/m\xB2 a)"] += (double)item.GHGRepSum;
                results["Green House Gasses End of Life (kg CO\x2082-eq/m\xB2 a)"]  += (double)item.GHGEoLEoLSum;
                results["R value"] += (double)item.ResistanceSum;

            var resultValues = results.Values.ToList();

            DA.SetDataList(0, results);
            DA.SetDataList(1, resultValues);
        public static void OpenFromPath(string filename)
            if (!Simulator.IsSimulating)
                    FileStream stream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open);

                    byte[] intbuffer = new byte[4];

                    stream.Read(intbuffer, 0, 4);
                    int XGridSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(intbuffer, 0);
                    stream.Read(intbuffer, 0, 4);
                    int YGridSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(intbuffer, 0);

                    #region Load Tables and Check for Components

                    stream.Read(intbuffer, 0, 4);
                    int    library_count = BitConverter.ToInt32(intbuffer, 0);
                    string workingPath   = filename;
                    int    pathindex     = 0;
                    for (int i = workingPath.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                        if (workingPath[i] == '\\')
                            pathindex = i;
                    workingPath = workingPath.Remove(pathindex + 1, workingPath.Length - (pathindex + 1));
                    List <string> Libraries2Load = new List <string>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < library_count; ++i)
                        string relPath = stream.ReadNullTerminated();
                        if (relPath[0] == '-')
                            string pathtoexe       = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
                            string pathtolibraries = pathtoexe + "\\LIBRARIES\\";
                            string finalrelPath    = relPath.Remove(0, 1);
                            Libraries2Load.Add(pathtolibraries + finalrelPath);
                            string absolutepath = workingPath + relPath;
                        //CompLibrary newlib = new CompLibrary(null, absolutepath);
                    bool AllLibrarysLoaded = Sim_INF_DLL.LoadLibrarys(Libraries2Load.ToArray());
                    if (!AllLibrarysLoaded)

                    stream.Read(intbuffer, 0, 4);
                    int compdata_count = BitConverter.ToInt32(intbuffer, 0);
                    stream.Read(intbuffer, 0, 4);
                    int        compdatatypes_count = BitConverter.ToInt32(intbuffer, 0);
                    string[]   compdata_names      = new string[compdata_count];
                    List <int> compdatatypes       = new List <int>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < compdata_count; ++i)
                        compdata_names[i] = stream.ReadNullTerminated();
                    for (int i = 0; i < compdatatypes_count; ++i)
                        stream.Read(intbuffer, 0, 4);
                        compdatatypes.Add(BitConverter.ToInt32(intbuffer, 0));
                    // Check if all Components are loaded
                    bool          AllLoaded          = true;
                    List <string> NotFoundComponents = new List <string>();
                    int[]         compdata_index     = new int[compdata_count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < compdata_count; ++i)
                        CompData curcomp = Sim_Component.Components_Data.Find(x => == compdata_names[i]);
                        if (curcomp == null && compdatatypes.Exists(x => x == i))
                            AllLoaded = false;
                            int index = Sim_Component.Components_Data.IndexOf(curcomp);
                            compdata_index[i] = index;

                    if (!AllLoaded)
                        string message = "Following Components not loaded: ";
                        for (int i = 0; i < NotFoundComponents.Count; ++i)
                            message += NotFoundComponents[i] + " ";
                        throw new Exception(message);


                    Simulator.SIZEX  = Simulator.ProjectSizeX = XGridSize;
                    Simulator.MAXCOO = Simulator.SIZEX - Simulator.BORDERSIZE;

                    Simulator.SIZEY             = Simulator.ProjectSizeY = YGridSize;
                    Simulator.linedrawingmatrix = Matrix.CreateOrthographicOffCenter(0, Simulator.SIZEX + 0.01f, Simulator.SIZEY + 0.01f, 0, 0, 1);

                    Sim_Component.components = new Component[Sim_Component.components.Length];
                    Simulator.networks       = new Network[Simulator.networks.Length];

                    Simulator.IsWire          = new byte[Simulator.SIZEX, Simulator.SIZEY];
                    Simulator.WireIDs         = new int[Simulator.SIZEX / 2, Simulator.SIZEY / 2, Simulator.LAYER_NUM];
                    Simulator.WireIDPs        = new int[Simulator.SIZEX, Simulator.SIZEY];
                    Simulator.CalcGridData    = new byte[Simulator.SIZEX, Simulator.SIZEY];
                    Simulator.CalcGridStat    = new byte[Simulator.SIZEX, Simulator.SIZEY];
                    Simulator.networks        = new Network[10000000];
                    Simulator.emptyNetworkIDs = new int[10000000];

                    Sim_Component.CompGrid        = new int[Simulator.SIZEX / 32, Simulator.SIZEY / 32][];
                    Sim_Component.CompOverlayGrid = new List <int> [Simulator.SIZEX / 32, Simulator.SIZEY / 32];
                    Sim_Component.PinDescGrid     = new List <int> [Simulator.SIZEX / 32, Simulator.SIZEY / 32];

                    Sim_Component.CompNetwork      = new byte[Simulator.SIZEX, Simulator.SIZEY];
                    Sim_Component.components       = new Component[10000000];
                    Sim_Component.pins2check       = new Point[20000000];
                    Sim_Component.overlaylines     = new VertexPositionLine[1000000];
                    Sim_Component.emptyComponentID = new int[10000000];
                    Sim_Component.CompType         = new byte[Simulator.SIZEX, Simulator.SIZEY];

                    Simulator.emptyNetworkIDs_count      = 0;
                    Sim_Component.emptyComponentID_count = 0;

                    Sim_Component.pins2check_length = 0;
                    Simulator.cursimframe           = 0;


                    Simulator.seclogic_target      = new RenderTarget2D(, Simulator.SIZEX, Simulator.SIZEY, false, SurfaceFormat.HalfSingle, DepthFormat.None, 0, RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents);
                    Simulator.logic_target         = new RenderTarget2D(, Simulator.SIZEX, Simulator.SIZEY, false, SurfaceFormat.HalfSingle, DepthFormat.None, 0, RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents);
                    Simulator.WireCalc_target      = new RenderTarget2D(, Simulator.SIZEX, Simulator.SIZEY, false, SurfaceFormat.HalfSingle, DepthFormat.None, 0, RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents);
                    Sim_Component.Comp_target      = new RenderTarget2D(, Simulator.SIZEX, Simulator.SIZEY, false, SurfaceFormat.HalfSingle, DepthFormat.None, 0, RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents);
                    Sim_Component.Highlight_target = new RenderTarget2D(, Simulator.SIZEX, Simulator.SIZEY, false, SurfaceFormat.HalfSingle, DepthFormat.None, 0, RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents);
                    Sim_Component.IsEdge_target    = new RenderTarget2D(, Simulator.SIZEX, Simulator.SIZEY, false, SurfaceFormat.HalfSingle, DepthFormat.None, 0, RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents);

                    Simulator.highestNetworkID = 4;

                    #region LoadWires

                    stream.Read(intbuffer, 0, 4);
                    int wirecount = BitConverter.ToInt32(intbuffer, 0);
                    Simulator.highestNetworkID = 4 + wirecount;
                    for (int i = 4; i < wirecount + 4; ++i)
                        Network networkbuffer = new Network(i);
                        Simulator.networks[i] = networkbuffer;
                        stream.Read(intbuffer, 0, 4);
                        int linecount = BitConverter.ToInt32(intbuffer, 0);
                        for (int j = 0; j < linecount; ++j)
                            stream.Read(intbuffer, 0, 1);
                            byte layers = intbuffer[0];
                            stream.Read(intbuffer, 0, 4);
                            int startx = BitConverter.ToInt32(intbuffer, 0);
                            stream.Read(intbuffer, 0, 4);
                            int starty = BitConverter.ToInt32(intbuffer, 0);
                            stream.Read(intbuffer, 0, 4);
                            int endx = BitConverter.ToInt32(intbuffer, 0);
                            stream.Read(intbuffer, 0, 4);
                            int endy = BitConverter.ToInt32(intbuffer, 0);
                            stream.Read(intbuffer, 0, 4);
                            int dirx = BitConverter.ToInt32(intbuffer, 0);
                            stream.Read(intbuffer, 0, 4);
                            int diry = BitConverter.ToInt32(intbuffer, 0);
                            stream.Read(intbuffer, 0, 4);
                            int length = BitConverter.ToInt32(intbuffer, 0);

                            Line_Netw linebuffer = new Line_Netw(new Point(startx, starty), new Point(endx, endy), new Point(dirx, diry), length, layers);

                    #region LoadComp

                    stream.Read(intbuffer, 0, 4);
                    int compcount = BitConverter.ToInt32(intbuffer, 0);
                    Sim_Component.nextComponentID = compcount + 1;
                    for (int i = 1; i < compcount + 1; ++i)
                        stream.Read(intbuffer, 0, 4);
                        Component buffercomp = new Component(compdata_index[BitConverter.ToInt32(intbuffer, 0)], i);
                        stream.Read(intbuffer, 0, 4);
                        int posX = BitConverter.ToInt32(intbuffer, 0);
                        stream.Read(intbuffer, 0, 4);
                        int posY = BitConverter.ToInt32(intbuffer, 0);
                        stream.Read(intbuffer, 0, 1);
                        int rotation = intbuffer[0];
                        stream.Read(intbuffer, 0, 4);
                        int valuebox_length = BitConverter.ToInt32(intbuffer, 0);

                        CompData compdata = Sim_Component.Components_Data[compdata_index[buffercomp.dataID]];
                        for (int j = 0; j < valuebox_length; ++j)
                            stream.Read(intbuffer, 0, 4);
                            int curval = BitConverter.ToInt32(intbuffer, 0);
                            buffercomp.totalstates[compdata.internalstate_length + compdata.OverlaySeg_length + j] = curval;

                        Sim_Component.components[i] = buffercomp;
                        buffercomp.Place(new Point(posX, posY), (byte)rotation, true);


                    Console.WriteLine("Loading suceeded. Filename: {0}", filename);
                    IsUpToDate = true;
                catch (Exception exp)
                    Console.WriteLine("Loading failed:\n{0}", exp);
                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Loading failed:\n" + exp.Message, null, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Beispiel #26
 protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
     DA.SetDataList(0, CompData.GetComponentGroupsList());
Beispiel #27
        /*public void DebugToCSV(string _path)
         * {
         *  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
         *  for (int y = Dims.y - 1; y >= 0; --y)
         *  {
         *      sb.AppendLine();
         *      for (int x = 0; x < Dims.x; ++x)
         *          sb.Append(this[x, y] + ",");
         *  }
         *  WriteAllText(_path, sb.ToString());
         * }*/

        /// <summary>
        ///     Updates the data at _coord to _data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_data"></param>
        /// <param name="_coord"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Update(T _data, IVector2 _coord)
            if (!CoordInRange(_coord))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(GetType().Name + "-- Index out of range: " + _coord);
            //Get data at position
            int dataIndex, dataStripPos;
            //CompData[] workBlocks = GetDataGroup(_coord, out dataIndex, out dataStripPos);
            var workBlock = GetData(_coord, out dataIndex, out dataStripPos);

            //Check for bad index
            if (workBlock.count == 0)
                throw new Exception(GetType().Name + "-- Update: Found zero count DataStrip at index " + dataIndex + ".");

            //Check no change condition
            if (workBlock.Data.Equals(_data))

            //Check single item strip condition
            if (workBlock.count == 1)
                var updatedBlock = new CompData <T>(_data, 1);
                DataBlock[dataIndex] = updatedBlock;
                Meld(dataIndex, MeldDir.Both);

            //Check middle of strip condition
            if ((workBlock.count > 2) && (dataStripPos != 0) && (dataStripPos != workBlock.count - 1))
                //Current data strip shrink to data in front
                var frontStrip = new CompData <T>(workBlock.Data, dataStripPos);

                //Insert this block
                var newStrip = new CompData <T>(_data, 1);

                //Create data in back
                var backStrip = new CompData <T>(workBlock.Data, workBlock.count - dataStripPos - 1);

                //Update Data Array
                DataBlock.Insert(dataIndex + 1, backStrip);
                DataBlock.Insert(dataIndex + 1, newStrip);
                DataBlock[dataIndex] = frontStrip;


            //Check beginning of strip condition
            if (dataStripPos == 0)
                var newStrip = new CompData <T>(_data, 1);

                var backStrip = new CompData <T>(workBlock.Data, workBlock.count - 1);

                DataBlock.Insert(dataIndex + 1, backStrip);
                DataBlock[dataIndex] = newStrip;
                Meld(dataIndex, MeldDir.Front);


            //Check end of strip condition
            if (dataStripPos == DataBlock[dataIndex].count - 1)
                var newStrip = new CompData <T>(_data, 1);

                var frontStrip = new CompData <T>(workBlock.Data, workBlock.count - 1);

                DataBlock[dataIndex] = newStrip;
                DataBlock.Insert(dataIndex, frontStrip);
                Meld(dataIndex + 1, MeldDir.Back);


        public static void SaveToPath(string path)
            FileStream s = null;

                FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create);
                s = stream;
                List <byte> bytestosave = new List <byte>();
                byte[]      bytearray2  = new byte[1];
                int         compcount   = 0;
                int         wirecount   = 0;
                byte[]      bytearray;

                stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(Simulator.ProjectSizeX), 0, 4);
                stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(Simulator.ProjectSizeY), 0, 4);

                #region Save Library & Comp Table

                stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(CompLibrary.AllUsedLibraries.Count), 0, 4);
                string workingPath = SaveFile;
                int    index       = 0;
                for (int i = workingPath.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                    if (workingPath[i] == '\\')
                        index = i;
                workingPath = workingPath.Remove(index, workingPath.Length - (index));

                for (int i = 0; i < CompLibrary.AllUsedLibraries.Count; ++i)
                    CompLibrary curlib        = CompLibrary.AllUsedLibraries[i];
                    string      relPath       = Extensions.MakeRelativePath(workingPath, curlib.SaveFile);
                    string      librarypath   = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\LIBRARIES\\";
                    bool        DoesStartWith = curlib.SaveFile.StartsWith(librarypath);
                    if (DoesStartWith)
                        relPath = curlib.SaveFile.Remove(0, librarypath.Length);
                        relPath = relPath.Insert(0, "-");
                    bytearray = relPath.GetBytesFromString();
                    stream.Write(bytearray, 0, bytearray.Length);

                HashSet <int> compdatatypes = new HashSet <int>();
                Sim_Component.components.ForEach(x => { if (x != null)
                int[] compdatatypes_array = compdatatypes.ToArray();
                stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(Sim_Component.Components_Data.Count), 0, 4);
                stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(compdatatypes_array.Length), 0, 4);
                for (int i = 0; i < Sim_Component.Components_Data.Count; ++i)
                    bytearray = Sim_Component.Components_Data[i].name.GetBytesFromString();
                    stream.Write(bytearray, 0, bytearray.Length);
                for (int i = 0; i < compdatatypes_array.Length; ++i)
                    stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(compdatatypes_array[i]), 0, 4);
                //for (int i = 0; i < Sim_Component.Components_Data.Count; ++i)
                //    int LibraryID = CompLibrary.AllLibraries.IndexOf(Sim_Component.Components_Data[i].library);
                //    stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(LibraryID), 0, 4);


                #region Save Wires
                wirecount = Simulator.networks.Count(x => x != null);
                stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(wirecount), 0, 4);

                for (int i = 0; i < Simulator.networks.Length; ++i)
                    if (Simulator.networks[i] != null)
                        List <Line_Netw> lines = Simulator.networks[i].lines;
                        stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(lines.Count), 0, 4);

                        for (int j = 0; j < lines.Count; ++j)
                            stream.Write(new byte[1] {
                            }, 0, 1);
                            stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(lines[j].start.X), 0, 4);
                            stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(lines[j].start.Y), 0, 4);
                            stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(lines[j].end.X), 0, 4);
                            stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(lines[j].end.Y), 0, 4);
                            stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(lines[j].dir.X), 0, 4);
                            stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(lines[j].dir.Y), 0, 4);
                            stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(lines[j].length), 0, 4);

                #region Save Components
                compcount = Sim_Component.components.Count(x => x != null);
                stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(compcount), 0, 4);

                for (int i = 0; i < Sim_Component.components.Length; ++i)
                    if (Sim_Component.components[i] != null)
                        stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(Sim_Component.components[i].dataID), 0, 4);
                        stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(Sim_Component.components[i].pos.X), 0, 4);
                        stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(Sim_Component.components[i].pos.Y), 0, 4);
                        bytearray2[0] = Sim_Component.components[i].rotation;
                        stream.Write(bytearray2, 0, 1);
                        CompData compdata = Sim_Component.Components_Data[Sim_Component.components[i].dataID];
                        stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(compdata.valuebox_length), 0, 4);
                        for (int j = 0; j < compdata.valuebox_length; ++j)
                            stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(Sim_Component.components[i].totalstates[compdata.internalstate_length + compdata.OverlaySeg_length + j]), 0, 4);

                Console.WriteLine("Saving suceeded. Filename: {0}", path);
                IsUpToDate = true;
            catch (Exception exp)
                Console.WriteLine("Saving failed: {0}", exp);
                if (s != null)
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Saving failed", null, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Beispiel #29
        public static void GenerateDllCodeAndCompile()
            // Generating DLL Code and DLLs
            string code_original      = File.ReadAllText(@"SIM_CODE\original.c");
            int    compfuncspos       = code_original.IndexOf("#define _COMPFUNCS_");
            string code_withcompfuncs = code_original.Remove(compfuncspos, 19);

            for (int i = 0; i < Sim_Component.Components_Data.Count; ++i)
                CompData curdata = Sim_Component.Components_Data[i];
                code_withcompfuncs = code_withcompfuncs.Insert(compfuncspos, curdata.Code_Sim);

            int    initfuncpos        = code_withcompfuncs.IndexOf("int _INITFUNCS_;");
            string code_withinitfuncs = code_withcompfuncs.Remove(initfuncpos, 16);

            for (int i = Sim_Component.Components_Data.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                CompData curdata = Sim_Component.Components_Data[i];
                code_withinitfuncs = code_withinitfuncs.Insert(initfuncpos, "compfuncs[index++] = " + curdata.Code_Sim_FuncName + ";\n");

            //int afterupdatefuncpos = code_withinitfuncs.IndexOf("#define _AFTERUPDATEFUNCS_");
            //string code_withafterupdatefuncs = code_withinitfuncs.Remove(afterupdatefuncpos, 26);
            //for (int i = Sim_Component.Components_Data.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
            //    CompData curdata = Sim_Component.Components_Data[i];
            //    if (curdata.IsUpdateAfterSim)
            //    {
            //        code_withafterupdatefuncs = code_withafterupdatefuncs.Insert(afterupdatefuncpos, curdata.Code_AfterSim);
            //    }
            if (SimDLL_Handle != IntPtr.Zero)
                SimDLL_Handle = (IntPtr)0;

            string pathtoexe = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            File.WriteAllText(pathtoexe + @"\SIM_CODE\maincode.c", code_withinitfuncs);

            string driveletter = Path.GetPathRoot(Environment.SystemDirectory);
            //string command = "/c " + driveletter + @"GCC\mingw64\bin\g++";
            //command += " -c -m64 -DBUILDING_EXAMPLE_DLL ";
            //command += "\"" + pathtoexe + @"\SIM_CODE\maincode.c" + "\" -o \"";
            //command += pathtoexe + @"\SIM_CODE\maincode.o" + "\"";
            //Extensions.ExecuteProgram("cmd", command);
            string GCC_Path = Path.GetFullPath(Config.GCC_Compiler_PATH);

            if (GCC_Path.Last() == '\\')
                GCC_Path = GCC_Path.Remove(GCC_Path.Length - 1, 1);
            string command = "/c " + "\"" + "\"" + GCC_Path + @"\g++" + "\"" + " -m64 -shared \"";

            command += pathtoexe + @"\SIM_CODE\maincode.dll" + "\" \"";
            command += pathtoexe + @"\SIM_CODE\maincode.c" + "\"" + "\"";
            Extensions.ExecuteProgram("cmd", command);
