public JsonResult InsertNewCharacterAJAX(int? gameID, string charName, int? classID, int? factionID, int? level)
            //Do some Validation
            CommitResponse newCharResponse = new CommitResponse();

            if (gameID == null || charName == null || classID == null || factionID == null || level == null)
                newCharResponse.success = false;
                newCharResponse.errorMsg = Errors.INVALID_CHARACTER_INFORMATION;

            if (newCharResponse.success)
                MemCharacter memChar = new MemCharacter()
                    MemberID = MemberInfo.MemberID,
                    CharacterName = charName,
                    ClassID = (int)classID,
                    FactionID = factionID,
                    GameID = (int)gameID,
                    LVL = level

                newCharResponse = charInterface.AddNewCharacter(memChar, new int[0]);

            return new JsonResult() { Data = newCharResponse };
        public CommitResponse AddNewCharacter(MemCharacter newMemChar, int[] roleIDs)
            CommitResponse response = new CommitResponse();
            //Validate CharData?

            //Validate Role Data
            if (!ValidateUserRoles(newMemChar.ClassID, roleIDs))
                response.success = false;
                response.errorMsg = Errors.ROLE_IS_NOT_VALID_FOR_CLASS;

            if (response.success)
                newMemChar.CreateDT = DateTime.Now;
                newMemChar.LastModifiedDT = DateTime.Now;

                    // Insert Member Data
                    response.ReturnData = newMemChar;
                    // Insert RoleData
                    CommitResponse rolesResponse = AddRolesForCharacter(newMemChar.CharacterID, roleIDs, newMemChar.ClassID);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    response.success = false;
                    response.errorMsg = Errors.INSERT_CHARACTER_FAILED;
                    if (!Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RETHROW_HANDLED_ERRORS"]))

                    { throw ex; }

            return response;
        public ActionResult EditCharacter(MemCharacter memChar)
            //Assert that the current member is editing charater data only for his account
            bool valid = true;
            if (memChar.MemberID != 0 && MemberInfo.MemberID != memChar.MemberID)
                valid = false;
                ModelState.AddModelError("MemberHoax", Errors.CAN_NOT_OPERATE_ON_OTHER_MEMBERS_DATA);

            //Assert User Selected Some Roles
            int[] roleIDs = (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["RoleID"])) ? Request["RoleID"].Split(new char[] { ',' }).Select(roleID => Convert.ToInt32(roleID)).ToArray() : new int[0];
            if (roleIDs.Length == 0)
                valid = false;
                ModelState.AddModelError("NoRolesSelected", Errors.NO_ROLES_SELECTED);

            memChar.MemberID = (memChar.MemberID != 0) ? memChar.MemberID : MemberInfo.MemberID;

            if (valid)
                CommitResponse editCharResponse = charInterface.EditCharacter(memChar);
                if (editCharResponse.success)
                    CommitResponse roleUpdate;
                    if (charInterface.ValidateUserRoles(memChar.ClassID, roleIDs))
                        roleUpdate = charInterface.AddRolesForCharacter(memChar.CharacterID, roleIDs, memChar.ClassID);
                        roleUpdate = new CommitResponse() { success = false };
                        ModelState.AddModelError("RoleInvalid", Errors.ROLE_IS_NOT_VALID_FOR_CLASS);

                    if (roleUpdate.success)
                        TempData[GlobalConst.TEMPDATA_CONFIRMATION_MESSAGE] = "Character was successfully edited.";
                        return RedirectToAction("Confirmation", "Shared");
                    ModelState.AddModelError("EditFailed", Errors.EDIT_CHARACTER_FAILED);

            //return RedirectToAction("EditCharacter", new { id = memChar.CharacterID });
            return View(memChar);
        public JsonResult AddCharacterToEventAJAX(int? charID, int? roleID)
            CommitResponse commitResponse = new CommitResponse();
            if (charID != null && roleID != null)
                commitResponse = eventInterface.AddNewEventAttendee((int)charID, CurrentEvent.EventID, (int)roleID, String.Empty, (int)ATTENDEE_STATUS.INVITED, null);

            return new JsonResult() { Data = commitResponse };
        public CommitResponse AddBasicRestrictions(int eventID, int? serverID, int? factionID)
            CommitResponse response = new CommitResponse();
            EventRestriction evtRestriction = GetEventRestrictionOrCreate(eventID);
            evtRestriction.ServerID = serverID;
            evtRestriction.FactionID = factionID;


            response.success = true;
            return response;
        public CommitResponse InsertMember(Member member)
            CommitResponse response = new CommitResponse();
            var uniqueUserName = !LeetRaidsDB.Members.Any(mem => mem.UserName == member.UserName);
            if (!uniqueUserName)
            if (member.UserName.Length < 5 || member.UserName.Length > 15)
            if (!member.AgreedToTerms)
            if (member.Password.Length < 5 || member.Password.Length > 14)

            response.success = (response.Errors.Count < 1);

            if (response.success)
                catch (Exception ex)

                    if (!Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RETHROW_HANDLED_ERRORS"]))
                        response.success = false;
                        throw ex;

            return response;
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>Snippet for CommitAsync</summary>
        public async Task CommitAsync()
            // Snippet: CommitAsync(string, IEnumerable<Write>, CallSettings)
            // Additional: CommitAsync(string, IEnumerable<Write>, CancellationToken)
            // Create client
            FirestoreClient firestoreClient = await FirestoreClient.CreateAsync();

            // Initialize request argument(s)
            string database            = "";
            IEnumerable <Write> writes = new Write[] { new Write(), };
            // Make the request
            CommitResponse response = await firestoreClient.CommitAsync(database, writes);

            // End snippet
        public void Commit1()
            // Snippet: Commit(string,CommitRequest.Types.Mode,ByteString,IEnumerable<Mutation>,CallSettings)
            // Create client
            DatastoreClient datastoreClient = DatastoreClient.Create();
            // Initialize request argument(s)
            string projectId = "";

            CommitRequest.Types.Mode mode      = CommitRequest.Types.Mode.Unspecified;
            ByteString             transaction = ByteString.CopyFromUtf8("");
            IEnumerable <Mutation> mutations   = new List <Mutation>();
            // Make the request
            CommitResponse response = datastoreClient.Commit(projectId, mode, transaction, mutations);
            // End snippet
Beispiel #9
 public void Commit_RequestObject()
     // Snippet: Commit(CommitRequest,CallSettings)
     // Create client
     FirestoreClient firestoreClient = FirestoreClient.Create();
     // Initialize request argument(s)
     CommitRequest request = new CommitRequest
         Database = new DatabaseRootName("[PROJECT]", "[DATABASE]").ToString(),
         Writes   = { },
     // Make the request
     CommitResponse response = firestoreClient.Commit(request);
     // End snippet
Beispiel #10
 private static void PropagateKeys <T>(IList <T> values, CommitResponse response, Action <T, Key> keyPropagation)
     if (keyPropagation == null)
     for (int i = 0; i < values.Count; i++)
         var key = response.MutationResults[i].Key;
         if (key != null)
             keyPropagation(values[i], key);
 public void Commit_RequestObject()
     // Snippet: Commit(CommitRequest,CallSettings)
     // Create client
     SpannerClient spannerClient = SpannerClient.Create();
     // Initialize request argument(s)
     CommitRequest request = new CommitRequest
         SessionAsSessionName = new SessionName("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]", "[SESSION]"),
         Mutations            = { },
     // Make the request
     CommitResponse response = spannerClient.Commit(request);
     // End snippet
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>Snippet for CommitAsync</summary>
        public async Task CommitAsync()
            // Snippet: CommitAsync(string,IEnumerable<Write>,CallSettings)
            // Additional: CommitAsync(string,IEnumerable<Write>,CancellationToken)
            // Create client
            FirestoreClient firestoreClient = await FirestoreClient.CreateAsync();

            // Initialize request argument(s)
            string formattedDatabase   = new DatabaseRootName("[PROJECT]", "[DATABASE]").ToString();
            IEnumerable <Write> writes = new List <Write>();
            // Make the request
            CommitResponse response = await firestoreClient.CommitAsync(formattedDatabase, writes);

            // End snippet
        public async void CreateContact_ContactInvalid_False()
            var contact = ContactFaker.GetContactContactNameLess();
            var createContactCommand = new CreateContactCommand(
                contactName: contact.Name,
                contactPhone: contact.PhoneNumber,
                contactBirthDate: contact.BirthDate,
                contactTypeId: contact.ContactTypeId

            .Setup(x =>
                   x.Resolve <IContactTypeRepository>())

            .Setup(x =>
                   x.Resolve <IContactRepository>())

            .Setup(x =>
                   x.Resolve <IMediatorHandler>())

            _contactTypeRepositoryMock.Setup(x => x.GetByIdAsync(createContactCommand.ContactTypeId))

            _contactRepositoryMock.Setup(x => x.CommitAsync())

            var handler = new ContactCommandHandler(_dependencyResolverMock.Object);

            var result = await handler.Handle(createContactCommand, new CancellationToken());


            _contactTypeRepositoryMock.Verify(x => x.GetByIdAsync(createContactCommand.ContactTypeId), Times.Once);
            _mediatorHandler.Verify(x => x.NotifyDomainNotification(It.IsAny <DomainNotification>()), Times.AtLeastOnce);
            _contactRepositoryMock.Verify(x => x.AddAsync(It.IsAny <Contact>()), Times.Never);
            _contactRepositoryMock.Verify(x => x.CommitAsync(), Times.Never);
        public async Task CommitAsync1()
            // Snippet: CommitAsync(string,ByteString,IEnumerable<Mutation>,CallSettings)
            // Additional: CommitAsync(string,ByteString,IEnumerable<Mutation>,CancellationToken)
            // Create client
            SpannerClient spannerClient = await SpannerClient.CreateAsync();

            // Initialize request argument(s)
            string                 formattedSession = new SessionName("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]", "[SESSION]").ToString();
            ByteString             transactionId    = ByteString.CopyFromUtf8("");
            IEnumerable <Mutation> mutations        = new List <Mutation>();
            // Make the request
            CommitResponse response = await spannerClient.CommitAsync(formattedSession, transactionId, mutations);

            // End snippet
Beispiel #15
 /// <summary>Snippet for Commit</summary>
 public void CommitRequestObject()
     // Snippet: Commit(CommitRequest, CallSettings)
     // Create client
     FirestoreClient firestoreClient = FirestoreClient.Create();
     // Initialize request argument(s)
     CommitRequest request = new CommitRequest
         Database    = "",
         Writes      = { new Write(), },
         Transaction = ByteString.Empty,
     // Make the request
     CommitResponse response = firestoreClient.Commit(request);
     // End snippet
        public async Task CommitAsync2()
            // Snippet: CommitAsync(string,CommitRequest.Types.Mode,IEnumerable<Mutation>,CallSettings)
            // Additional: CommitAsync(string,CommitRequest.Types.Mode,IEnumerable<Mutation>,CancellationToken)
            // Create client
            DatastoreClient datastoreClient = DatastoreClient.Create();
            // Initialize request argument(s)
            string projectId = "";

            CommitRequest.Types.Mode mode      = CommitRequest.Types.Mode.Unspecified;
            IEnumerable <Mutation>   mutations = new List <Mutation>();
            // Make the request
            CommitResponse response = await datastoreClient.CommitAsync(projectId, mode, mutations);

            // End snippet
        // Used by TransactionReadAndWrite. Could promote to the fixture.
        private Key CreateAccount(string name, long balance)
            string          projectId   = _fixture.ProjectId;
            string          namespaceId = _fixture.NamespaceId;
            DatastoreClient client      = DatastoreClient.Create();
            KeyFactory      factory     = new KeyFactory(projectId, namespaceId, "Account");
            Entity          entity      = new Entity
                Key         = factory.CreateIncompleteKey(),
                ["name"]    = name,
                ["balance"] = balance
            CommitResponse response = client.Commit(projectId, Mode.NonTransactional, new[] { entity.ToInsert() });

Beispiel #18
 public void Commit_RequestObject()
     // Snippet: Commit(CommitRequest,CallSettings)
     // Create client
     DatastoreClient datastoreClient = DatastoreClient.Create();
     // Initialize request argument(s)
     CommitRequest request = new CommitRequest
         ProjectId = "",
         Mode      = CommitRequest.Types.Mode.Unspecified,
         Mutations = { },
     // Make the request
     CommitResponse response = datastoreClient.Commit(request);
     // End snippet
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>Snippet for CommitAsync</summary>
        public async Task CommitAsync2()
            // Snippet: CommitAsync(SessionName,TransactionOptions,IEnumerable<Mutation>,CallSettings)
            // Additional: CommitAsync(SessionName,TransactionOptions,IEnumerable<Mutation>,CancellationToken)
            // Create client
            SpannerClient spannerClient = await SpannerClient.CreateAsync();

            // Initialize request argument(s)
            SessionName            session = new SessionName("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]", "[SESSION]");
            TransactionOptions     singleUseTransaction = new TransactionOptions();
            IEnumerable <Mutation> mutations            = new List <Mutation>();
            // Make the request
            CommitResponse response = await spannerClient.CommitAsync(session, singleUseTransaction, mutations);

            // End snippet
        public async void DeleteContact_True()
            var contact = ContactFaker.GetContactOk();

            var deleteContactCommand = new DeleteContactCommand(contact.Id);

            .Setup(x =>
                   x.Resolve <IContactRepository>())

            .Setup(x =>
                   x.Resolve <IContactTypeRepository>())

            .Setup(x =>

            .Setup(x =>

            var handler = new ContactCommandHandler(_dependencyResolverMock.Object);

            var result = await handler.Handle(deleteContactCommand, new CancellationToken());


            _contactRepositoryMock.Verify(x => x.GetByIdAsync(deleteContactCommand.ContactId), Times.Once);
            _contactRepositoryMock.Verify(x => x.Update(contact), Times.Once);

            _contactRepositoryMock.Verify(x => x.CommitAsync(), Times.Once);
            _mediatorHandler.Verify(x => x.NotifyDomainNotification(It.IsAny <DomainNotification>()), Times.Never);
        public async Task CommitAsync_RequestObject()
            // Snippet: CommitAsync(CommitRequest,CallSettings)
            // Create client
            SpannerClient spannerClient = await SpannerClient.CreateAsync();

            // Initialize request argument(s)
            CommitRequest request = new CommitRequest
                Session   = new SessionName("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]", "[SESSION]").ToString(),
                Mutations = { },
            // Make the request
            CommitResponse response = await spannerClient.CommitAsync(request);

            // End snippet
Beispiel #22
        public Action<NetMQMessage> Send(NetMQSocket socket, PendingResRequest pendingRequest, Guid requestId)
            var pending = (PendingResRequest<CommitResponse>) pendingRequest;

            var msg = new NetMQMessage();

            foreach (var e in Events)


            return m =>
                var command = m.Pop().ConvertToString();

                if (command == ResCommands.Error)
                    var errorCode = m.Pop().ConvertToString();
                    var errorDetails = m.Pop().ConvertToString();
                    ErrorResolver.RaiseException(errorCode, errorDetails, pending.SetException);

                if (command != ResCommands.CommitResult)
                    pending.SetException(new UnsupportedCommandException(command));

                var commitId = new Guid(m.Pop().ToByteArray());
                var result = new CommitResponse(commitId);
Beispiel #23
        public void Commit3()
            Mock <Spanner.SpannerClient> mockGrpcClient = new Mock <Spanner.SpannerClient>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            CommitRequest request = new CommitRequest
                SessionAsSessionName = new SessionName("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]", "[SESSION]"),
                Mutations            = { },
            CommitResponse expectedResponse = new CommitResponse();

            mockGrpcClient.Setup(x => x.Commit(request, It.IsAny <CallOptions>()))
            SpannerClient  client   = new SpannerClientImpl(mockGrpcClient.Object, null);
            CommitResponse response = client.Commit(request);

            Assert.Same(expectedResponse, response);
        public void Commit2()
            Mock <Firestore.FirestoreClient> mockGrpcClient = new Mock <Firestore.FirestoreClient>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            CommitRequest request = new CommitRequest
                Database = new DatabaseRootName("[PROJECT]", "[DATABASE]").ToString(),
                Writes   = { },
            CommitResponse expectedResponse = new CommitResponse();

            mockGrpcClient.Setup(x => x.Commit(request, It.IsAny <CallOptions>()))
            FirestoreClient client   = new FirestoreClientImpl(mockGrpcClient.Object, null);
            CommitResponse  response = client.Commit(request);

            Assert.Same(expectedResponse, response);
Beispiel #25
        /// <summary>Snippet for CommitAsync</summary>
        public async Task Commit1Async()
            // Snippet: CommitAsync(string, CommitRequest.Types.Mode, ByteString, IEnumerable<Mutation>, CallSettings)
            // Additional: CommitAsync(string, CommitRequest.Types.Mode, ByteString, IEnumerable<Mutation>, CancellationToken)
            // Create client
            DatastoreClient datastoreClient = await DatastoreClient.CreateAsync();

            // Initialize request argument(s)
            string projectId = "";

            CommitRequest.Types.Mode mode      = CommitRequest.Types.Mode.Unspecified;
            ByteString             transaction = ByteString.Empty;
            IEnumerable <Mutation> mutations   = new Mutation[] { new Mutation(), };
            // Make the request
            CommitResponse response = await datastoreClient.CommitAsync(projectId, mode, transaction, mutations);

            // End snippet
        public async Task CommitAsync2()
            Mock <Firestore.FirestoreClient> mockGrpcClient = new Mock <Firestore.FirestoreClient>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            CommitRequest request = new CommitRequest
                Database = new DatabaseRootName("[PROJECT]", "[DATABASE]").ToString(),
                Writes   = { },
            CommitResponse expectedResponse = new CommitResponse();

            mockGrpcClient.Setup(x => x.CommitAsync(request, It.IsAny <CallOptions>()))
            .Returns(new Grpc.Core.AsyncUnaryCall <CommitResponse>(Task.FromResult(expectedResponse), null, null, null, null));
            FirestoreClient client   = new FirestoreClientImpl(mockGrpcClient.Object, null);
            CommitResponse  response = await client.CommitAsync(request);

            Assert.Same(expectedResponse, response);
        /// <summary>Snippet for CommitAsync</summary>
        public async Task CommitAsync_RequestObject()
            // Snippet: CommitAsync(CommitRequest,CallSettings)
            // Additional: CommitAsync(CommitRequest,CancellationToken)
            // Create client
            FirestoreClient firestoreClient = await FirestoreClient.CreateAsync();

            // Initialize request argument(s)
            CommitRequest request = new CommitRequest
                Database = new DatabaseRootName("[PROJECT]", "[DATABASE]").ToString(),
                Writes   = { },
            // Make the request
            CommitResponse response = await firestoreClient.CommitAsync(request);

            // End snippet
Beispiel #28
        public async Task CommitAsync3()
            Mock <Spanner.SpannerClient> mockGrpcClient = new Mock <Spanner.SpannerClient>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            CommitRequest request = new CommitRequest
                SessionAsSessionName = new SessionName("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]", "[SESSION]"),
                Mutations            = { },
            CommitResponse expectedResponse = new CommitResponse();

            mockGrpcClient.Setup(x => x.CommitAsync(request, It.IsAny <CallOptions>()))
            .Returns(new Grpc.Core.AsyncUnaryCall <CommitResponse>(Task.FromResult(expectedResponse), null, null, null, null));
            SpannerClient  client   = new SpannerClientImpl(mockGrpcClient.Object, null);
            CommitResponse response = await client.CommitAsync(request);

            Assert.Same(expectedResponse, response);
        /// <summary>Snippet for CommitAsync</summary>
        public async Task CommitAsync_RequestObject()
            // Snippet: CommitAsync(CommitRequest,CallSettings)
            // Additional: CommitAsync(CommitRequest,CancellationToken)
            // Create client
            DatastoreClient datastoreClient = await DatastoreClient.CreateAsync();

            // Initialize request argument(s)
            CommitRequest request = new CommitRequest
                ProjectId = "",
                Mode      = CommitRequest.Types.Mode.Unspecified,
                Mutations = { },
            // Make the request
            CommitResponse response = await datastoreClient.CommitAsync(request);

            // End snippet
Beispiel #30
        /// <summary>Snippet for CommitAsync</summary>
        public async Task CommitRequestObjectAsync()
            // Snippet: CommitAsync(CommitRequest, CallSettings)
            // Additional: CommitAsync(CommitRequest, CancellationToken)
            // Create client
            FirestoreClient firestoreClient = await FirestoreClient.CreateAsync();

            // Initialize request argument(s)
            CommitRequest request = new CommitRequest
                Database    = "",
                Writes      = { new Write(), },
                Transaction = ByteString.Empty,
            // Make the request
            CommitResponse response = await firestoreClient.CommitAsync(request);

            // End snippet
Beispiel #31
        public void Commit()
            moq::Mock <Firestore.FirestoreClient> mockGrpcClient = new moq::Mock <Firestore.FirestoreClient>(moq::MockBehavior.Strict);
            CommitRequest request = new CommitRequest
                Database = "projects/test/databases/databased8eee011",
                Writes   = { new Write(), },
            CommitResponse expectedResponse = new CommitResponse
                WriteResults = { new WriteResult(), },
                CommitTime   = new wkt::Timestamp(),

            mockGrpcClient.Setup(x => x.Commit(request, moq::It.IsAny <grpccore::CallOptions>())).Returns(expectedResponse);
            FirestoreClient client   = new FirestoreClientImpl(mockGrpcClient.Object, null);
            CommitResponse  response = client.Commit(request.Database, request.Writes);

            xunit::Assert.Same(expectedResponse, response);
        public void InsertEntity()
            string projectId   = _fixture.ProjectId;
            string namespaceId = _fixture.NamespaceId;

            // Sample: InsertEntity
            KeyFactory keyFactory = new KeyFactory(projectId, namespaceId, "Task");
            Entity     entity     = new Entity
                Key                  = keyFactory.CreateIncompleteKey(),
                ["category"]         = "Personal",
                ["done"]             = false,
                ["priority"]         = 4,
                ["description"]      = "Learn Cloud Datastore",
                ["percent_complete"] = 75.0
            DatastoreClient client      = DatastoreClient.Create();
            CommitResponse  response    = client.Commit(projectId, Mode.NonTransactional, new[] { entity.ToInsert() });
            Key             insertedKey = response.MutationResults[0].Key;
            // End sample
        public void Commit3()
            Mock <Datastore.DatastoreClient> mockGrpcClient = new Mock <Datastore.DatastoreClient>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            CommitRequest request = new CommitRequest
                ProjectId = "projectId-1969970175",
                Mode      = CommitRequest.Types.Mode.Unspecified,
                Mutations = { },
            CommitResponse expectedResponse = new CommitResponse
                IndexUpdates = 1425228195,

            mockGrpcClient.Setup(x => x.Commit(request, It.IsAny <CallOptions>()))
            DatastoreClient client   = new DatastoreClientImpl(mockGrpcClient.Object, null);
            CommitResponse  response = client.Commit(request);

            Assert.Same(expectedResponse, response);
Beispiel #34
        public void Commit2()
            Mock <Spanner.SpannerClient> mockGrpcClient = new Mock <Spanner.SpannerClient>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            CommitRequest expectedRequest = new CommitRequest
                SessionAsSessionName = new SessionName("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]", "[SESSION]"),
                SingleUseTransaction = new TransactionOptions(),
                Mutations            = { },
            CommitResponse expectedResponse = new CommitResponse();

            mockGrpcClient.Setup(x => x.Commit(expectedRequest, It.IsAny <CallOptions>()))
            SpannerClient          client  = new SpannerClientImpl(mockGrpcClient.Object, null);
            SessionName            session = new SessionName("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]", "[SESSION]");
            TransactionOptions     singleUseTransaction = new TransactionOptions();
            IEnumerable <Mutation> mutations            = new List <Mutation>();
            CommitResponse         response             = client.Commit(session, singleUseTransaction, mutations);

            Assert.Same(expectedResponse, response);
Beispiel #35
        public async Task CommitAsync()
            Mock <Spanner.SpannerClient> mockGrpcClient = new Mock <Spanner.SpannerClient>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            CommitRequest expectedRequest = new CommitRequest
                SessionAsSessionName = new SessionName("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]", "[SESSION]"),
                TransactionId        = ByteString.CopyFromUtf8("28"),
                Mutations            = { },
            CommitResponse expectedResponse = new CommitResponse();

            mockGrpcClient.Setup(x => x.CommitAsync(expectedRequest, It.IsAny <CallOptions>()))
            .Returns(new Grpc.Core.AsyncUnaryCall <CommitResponse>(Task.FromResult(expectedResponse), null, null, null, null));
            SpannerClient          client        = new SpannerClientImpl(mockGrpcClient.Object, null);
            SessionName            session       = new SessionName("[PROJECT]", "[INSTANCE]", "[DATABASE]", "[SESSION]");
            ByteString             transactionId = ByteString.CopyFromUtf8("28");
            IEnumerable <Mutation> mutations     = new List <Mutation>();
            CommitResponse         response      = await client.CommitAsync(session, transactionId, mutations);

            Assert.Same(expectedResponse, response);
        public async Task CommitAsync3()
            Mock <Datastore.DatastoreClient> mockGrpcClient = new Mock <Datastore.DatastoreClient>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            CommitRequest request = new CommitRequest
                ProjectId = "projectId-1969970175",
                Mode      = CommitRequest.Types.Mode.Unspecified,
                Mutations = { },
            CommitResponse expectedResponse = new CommitResponse
                IndexUpdates = 1425228195,

            mockGrpcClient.Setup(x => x.CommitAsync(request, It.IsAny <CallOptions>()))
            .Returns(new Grpc.Core.AsyncUnaryCall <CommitResponse>(Task.FromResult(expectedResponse), null, null, null, null));
            DatastoreClient client   = new DatastoreClientImpl(mockGrpcClient.Object, null);
            CommitResponse  response = await client.CommitAsync(request);

            Assert.Same(expectedResponse, response);
Beispiel #37
        public void Save(T obj)
            DatastoreDb db = DatastoreDb.Create("fantasyfootball-204922", "default");

            KeyFactory keyFactory = db.CreateKeyFactory(obj.Kind);
            Entity     entity     = new Entity
                Key         = keyFactory.CreateKey(,
                ["updated"] = DateTime.UtcNow,
                ["text"]    = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj),
                ["tags"]    = obj.Tags.ToArray()

            using (DatastoreTransaction transaction = db.BeginTransaction())
                CommitResponse commitResponse = transaction.Commit();
                Key            insertedKey    = commitResponse.MutationResults[0].Key;
                Console.WriteLine($"Inserted key: {insertedKey}");
                // The key is also propagated to the entity
                Console.WriteLine($"Entity key: {entity.Key}");
        public CommitResponse AddRolesForCharacter(int charID, int[] roleIDs, int classID)
            CommitResponse response = new CommitResponse();

            classID = (classID != null) ? classID : GetCharacterByID(charID).ClassID;
            if (!ValidateUserRoles((int)classID, roleIDs))
                response.success = false;
                response.errorMsg = Errors.ROLE_IS_NOT_VALID_FOR_CLASS;
                return response;

            foreach (int roleID in roleIDs)
                MemCharacterRole memRole = new MemCharacterRole()
                    CharacterID = charID,
                    LastModified = DateTime.Now,
                    RoleID = roleID


                response.success = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.success = false;

            return response;
        public CommitResponse UpdateAttendeeStatus(int eventID, int memberID, int newStatusID, int newCharID, string newNote, int newRoleID)
            CommitResponse response = new CommitResponse();
            EventAttendee attendee = (from attn in LeetRaidsDB.EventAttendees
                                      where attn.EventID == eventID && attn.MemberID == memberID
                                      select attn).SingleOrDefault();

            if (attendee != null)
                //I am not supporting nullable value. If you dont want to update the info then pass in the current values.
                attendee.Status = newStatusID;
                attendee.CharacterID = newCharID;
                attendee.Note = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode((newNote.Length > 50) ? newNote.SubStrMax(49) : newNote);
                attendee.RoleID = newRoleID;
                response.success = false;
                response.errorMsg = Errors.ATTENDEE_COULDNT_BE_FOUND;

            return response;
        public CommitResponse UpdateAttendeeAttendenceStatusBulk(int eventID, IEnumerable<int> charIDs, int statusID)
            CommitResponse response = new CommitResponse();
            var attendees = (from attn in LeetRaidsDB.EventAttendees
                             where attn.EventID == eventID && charIDs.Contains(attn.CharacterID)
                             select attn);

            if (attendees.Count() > 0)
                foreach (EventAttendee attn in attendees)
                    attn.Status = statusID;

                response.success = false;
                response.errorMsg = Errors.ATTENDEE_COULDNT_BE_FOUND;

            return response;
        public CommitResponse RemoveAttendeeBulk(int eventID, IEnumerable<int> charIDs)
            CommitResponse response = new CommitResponse();
            var attendees = (from attn in LeetRaidsDB.EventAttendees
                             where attn.EventID == eventID && charIDs.Contains(attn.CharacterID)
                             select attn);

            if (attendees.Count() > 0)
                response.success = false;
                response.errorMsg = Errors.ATTENDEE_COULDNT_BE_FOUND;

            return response;
        public CommitResponse LeaveEvent(int eventID, int characterID)
            CommitResponse response = new CommitResponse();
            EventAttendee eventAttn = (from attn in LeetRaidsDB.EventAttendees
                                       where attn.EventID == eventID && attn.CharacterID == characterID
                                       select attn).SingleOrDefault();

            if (eventAttn != null)
                response.success = false;
                response.errorMsg = Errors.CHARACTER_NOT_FOUND;

            return response;
        public CommitResponse CaptureEmailInvite(int inviterMemberID, string inviteeEmail, int inviteEventID)
            CommitResponse response = new CommitResponse();

            Invite invite = new Invite()
                InviteType = (int)InviteTypes.EMAIL,
                InviterMemberID = inviterMemberID,
                InviteDT = DateTime.Now,
                InviteeEmailAddress = inviteeEmail,
                EventID = inviteEventID

            catch (Exception ex)
                response.success = false;

            return response;

        //[NoCache] cache so that if users enter the same emai twice nothing happens
        public JsonResult InviteViaEmailAJAX(string e)
            string emailAddress = e;

                ValidationErrors.Add("Invalid Email", Errors.INVALID_EMAIL);

            CommitResponse response = new CommitResponse() { success = false };
            if (ValidationErrors.Count == 0)
                //Capture the Invitation
                accountInterface.CaptureEmailInvite(MemberInfo.MemberID, emailAddress, CurrentEvent.EventID);

                //Send out the email
                Dictionary<string, string> replaceValues = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                replaceValues.Add("INVITERS_EMAIL", MemberInfo.Email);
                string gameName = gameInterface.GetGameByID(CurrentEvent.GameID).GameName;
                replaceValues.Add("GAME_NAME", gameName);
                string eventTypeName = eventInterface.GetEventTypeByID(CurrentEvent.EventID).EventTypeName;
                replaceValues.Add("EVENT_TYPE", eventTypeName);
                replaceValues.Add("EVENT_LINK", CurrentEvent.GenerateEventURL(System.Web.HttpContext.Current));

                    SMTPEmail.SMTPEMailS email = new SMTPEmail.SMTPEMailS(replaceValues);
                    string emailFileLocation = Server.MapPath("~/Static/InviteEmail.txt");
                    response.success = email.SendEmailFromFile(new string[] { emailAddress }, "*****@*****.**", "A friend has invited you to a Group", emailFileLocation, null, false);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //TODO: We really want to know if this fails. Its possible to capture all the failures and then email them out later


            return new JsonResult() { Data = response };
        public CommitResponse UpdateAccountSettings(int memberID, AccountSettings settings)
            CommitResponse response = new CommitResponse();
            Member memberInfo = GetMemberInfoByID(memberID);
            memberInfo.Email = settings.Email;


            return response;
        public CommitResponse EditCharacter(MemCharacter memChar)
            CommitResponse response = new CommitResponse();
            //Make sure the User is only editing a character that he owns already.
            if (!CharacterBelongsToMember(memChar.MemberID, memChar.CharacterID))
                response.success = false;
                response.errorMsg = Errors.CAN_NOT_OPERATE_ON_OTHER_MEMBERS_CHARACTER;

            if (response.success)
                memChar.LastModifiedDT = memChar.LastModifiedDT = DateTime.Now;
                MemCharacter editMemChar = (from eMemChar in LeetRaidsDB.MemCharacters
                                            where eMemChar.CharacterID == memChar.CharacterID
                                            select eMemChar).Single();

                editMemChar.CharacterName = memChar.CharacterName;
                editMemChar.ClassID = memChar.ClassID;
                editMemChar.FactionID = memChar.FactionID;
                //editMemChar.GameID = memChar.GameID;
                editMemChar.LVL = memChar.LVL;
                //editMemChar.RegionID = memChar.RegionID;
                editMemChar.ServerID = memChar.ServerID;
                //How the f**k to handle roles


            return response;
        public CommitResponse UpdateRestrictions(int eventID, IEnumerable<RoleRestriction> updtRoleRest, int? serverID, int? factionID)
            CommitResponse response = new CommitResponse();
            EventRestriction evtRestriction = GetEventRestrictionOrCreate(eventID);

            //Go ahead and update the basic restrictions
            evtRestriction.ServerID = serverID;
            evtRestriction.FactionID = factionID;

            //Update Role Restrictions
            response.success = UpdateRoleRestrictions(eventID, updtRoleRest).success;

            return response;
        public CommitResponse UpdateRoleRestrictions(int eventID, IEnumerable<RoleRestriction> updtRoleRest)
            CommitResponse response = new CommitResponse();

            //Get Existing Role Restrictions
            var roleRestrictions = from roleRest in LeetRaidsDB.RoleRestrictions
                                   join evtRest in LeetRaidsDB.EventRestrictions on roleRest.RestrictionID equals evtRest.RoleRestrictionID
                                   where evtRest.EventID == eventID
                                   select roleRest;

            foreach (RoleRestriction roleRest in updtRoleRest)
                RoleRestriction existingRestriction = roleRestrictions.Where(r => r.RoleID == roleRest.RoleID).SingleOrDefault();
                if (existingRestriction != null)
                    //If some exist then update
                    existingRestriction.Quantity = roleRest.Quantity;
                    //Else Make new ones


            return response;
        public JsonResult UpdateAttendeeStatusAsCreatorAJAX(int statusID, string chars)
            CommitResponse response = new CommitResponse();
            //bool userOwnsThisCharacter = charInterface.GetAllMemberCharacters(MemberInfo.MemberID).Any(c => c.CharacterID == charID);
            bool userIsEventCreator = eventInterface.GetEventCreatorsMemberInfo(CurrentEvent.EventID).MemberID == MemberInfo.MemberID;

            if (userIsEventCreator)
                int[] realCharIDs = chars.Split(new char[] { '|' }).Select(s => Int32.Parse(s)).ToArray();
                if (realCharIDs.Length > 0)
                    response = eventInterface.UpdateAttendeeAttendenceStatusBulk(CurrentEvent.EventID, realCharIDs, statusID);
                response.success = false;
                response.errorMsg = Errors.CAN_NOT_OPERATE_ON_OTHER_MEMBERS_CHARACTER;

            return new JsonResult() { Data = response };
        public CommitResponse DeactivateEvent(int memberID, int eventID)
            CommitResponse response = new CommitResponse();
            // Ensure that user deleting event is the creator
            if (GetEventCreatorsMemberInfo(eventID).MemberID == memberID)
                response.success = false;
                response.errorMsg = Errors.NOT_EVENT_CREATOR;
                return response;

            Event eventToDeactivate = (from evt in LeetRaidsDB.Events
                                       where evt.EventID == eventID
                                       select evt).SingleOrDefault();

            if (eventToDeactivate != null)
                eventToDeactivate.Active = false;
                response.success = false;
                response.errorMsg = Errors.INVALID_EVENT_ID;

            return response;
        public CommitResponse InsertRoleRestrictions(int eventID, IEnumerable<RoleRestriction> restrictions)
            CommitResponse response = new CommitResponse();
            //Create Identity for Role Restrictions
            int? maxRoleRestricitons = LeetRaidsDB.RoleRestrictions.Select(r => (int?)r.RestrictionID).Max();
            maxRoleRestricitons = (maxRoleRestricitons != null) ? maxRoleRestricitons : 0;
            int restrictionID = ((int)maxRoleRestricitons) + 1;

            //Update roleRestrictions with the restrictionID Identity
            foreach (RoleRestriction rest in restrictions)
                rest.RestrictionID = restrictionID;
            //Setup Insert for Role Restrictions

            //Get The EventRestriction, or create it if it doesnt exist
            EventRestriction evtRestriction = GetEventRestrictionOrCreate(eventID);

            //Update Event Restriction
            evtRestriction.RoleRestrictionID = restrictionID;

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

            return response;
        public CommitResponse InsertNewMemberGame(int memberID, int gameID)
            CommitResponse response = new CommitResponse();

            // Check if user already has this game added
            if(GetMembersGames(memberID).Any(game => game.GameID == gameID))
                response.success = false;
                response.errorMsg = Errors.MEMBER_ALREADY_ADDED_THIS_GAME;

            if (response.success)
                MemGame newMemGame = new MemGame() { GameID = gameID, MemberID = memberID };
                catch (Exception ex)
                    response.success = false;
                    throw ex;
                    //if (!Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RETHROW_HANDLED_ERRORS"]))

                    //    throw ex;

            return response;
        public CommitResponse DeleteCharacter(int currentMemberID, int charID)
            CommitResponse response = new CommitResponse();
            //Ensure that character belongs to use
            if (!CharacterBelongsToMember(currentMemberID, charID))
                response.success = false;
                response.errorMsg = Errors.CAN_NOT_OPERATE_ON_OTHER_MEMBERS_CHARACTER;
                return response;

            MemCharacter charToDelete = GetCharacterByID(charID);

            if (charToDelete != null)

                response.success = false;
                response.errorMsg = Errors.CHARACTER_NOT_FOUND;

            return response;