Beispiel #1
        public void ScheduleProcess(ClusterInterface.ISchedulerProcess ip,
                                    List <ClusterInterface.Affinity> affinities,
                                    ClusterInterface.RunProcess onScheduled)
            Process process = ip as Process;

            Task.Run(() => ScheduleProcessInternal(process, affinities, onScheduled));
Beispiel #2
 public void SetCallback(ClusterInterface.RunProcess callback)
     OnScheduledCallback = callback;
Beispiel #3
        private async void ScheduleProcessInternal(Process process, List <ClusterInterface.Affinity> affinities,
                                                   ClusterInterface.RunProcess callback)
            logger.Log("Scheduling process " + process.Id);


            Task rackBlocker;
            Task clusterBlocker;

            lock (this)
                rackBlocker    = Task.WhenAny(flusher, Task.Delay(rackDelay));
                clusterBlocker = Task.WhenAny(flusher, Task.Delay(clusterDelay));

            bool isHardConstraint = affinities.Aggregate(false, (a, b) => a || b.isHardContraint);

            if (isHardConstraint)
                // the constraint generator should have intersected the hard constraint into a single one
                Debug.Assert(affinities.Count() == 1);
                logger.Log("Process " + process.Id + " has a hard constraint");

            var allAffinities      = affinities.SelectMany(a => a.affinities).Distinct();
            var computerAffinities = allAffinities.Where(a => a.level == ClusterInterface.AffinityResourceLevel.Host);

            bool addedAny = false;

            // get a snapshot of available computers
            Dictionary <string, List <Computer> > localitySnapshot = new Dictionary <string, List <Computer> >();

            lock (localities)
                foreach (var c in localities)
                    localitySnapshot.Add(c.Key, c.Value);

            if (localitySnapshot.Count == 0)
                await process.OnScheduled(null, -1, null, "No cluster computers available");


            var racksUsed = new List <string>();

            foreach (var a in computerAffinities)
                List <Computer> cl;
                if (localitySnapshot.TryGetValue(a.locality, out cl))
                    addedAny = true;
                    logger.Log("Adding Process " + process.Id + " to queues for computers with locality " + a.locality);
                    foreach (var c in cl)
                        logger.Log("Adding Process " + process.Id + " to queue for computer " + c.Name);
                        if (c.LocalQueue.AddProcess(process))
                            // this returns true if p has been matched to a computer, in which case we
                            // can stop adding it to queues
                            logger.Log("Process " + process.Id + " claimed by computer " + c.Name);
                    // remember the rack this computer was in, to include it for soft affinities below

            if (addedAny)
                // hacky delay scheduling; wait until the upper level has finished adding processes in
                // the current stage, or some time has passed, before relaxing affinities if the process
                // had affinities for particular computers
                logger.Log("Process " + process.Id + " delay scheduling for rack");
                await rackBlocker;

            // reset flag before adding to racks
            addedAny = false;

            // get a snapshot of available racks
            Dictionary <string, Rack> rackSnapshot = new Dictionary <string, Rack>();

            lock (racks)
                foreach (var r in racks)
                    rackSnapshot.Add(r.Key, r.Value);

            var rackAffinities = allAffinities.Where(a => a.level == ClusterInterface.AffinityResourceLevel.Rack).Select(a => a.locality).Distinct();

            if (!isHardConstraint)
                rackAffinities = rackAffinities.Concat(racksUsed).Distinct();

            foreach (var a in rackAffinities)
                Rack r;
                if (rackSnapshot.TryGetValue(a, out r))
                    addedAny = true;
                    logger.Log("Adding Process " + process.Id + " to queue for rack " + a);
                    if (r.queue.AddProcess(process))
                        // this returns true if p has been matched to a computer, in which case we
                        // can stop adding it to queues
                        logger.Log("Process " + process.Id + " claimed by rack " + a);

            if (isHardConstraint)
                // let the process know it won't get added to any more queues. This will signal the
                // upper layer if it didn't get added to any queues

            if (addedAny)
                // hacky delay scheduling; wait until the upper level has finished adding processes in
                // the current stage, or some time has passed, before relaxing affinities if the process
                // had affinities for particular racks
                logger.Log("Process " + process.Id + " delay scheduling for cluster");
                await clusterBlocker;

            logger.Log("Adding Process " + process.Id + " to queue for cluster");

            // let the process know it won't get added to any more queues
Beispiel #4
 public void SetCallback(ClusterInterface.RunProcess callback)
     OnScheduledCallback = callback;