public string gerarPdf(string header, BasicInfoClass basicInfo)
            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"C:/Users/fernandat/Documents/Visual Studio 2015/Projects/Chiesi/Chiesi/relatorioPdf.html", "<h1>" + reportTxt + "</h1>", Encoding.UTF8);

            return("PDF FINAL GERADO");

        public FillingStart(EquipamentType typeEq, string Product)
            this.eq       = this.eqFact.ConstructEquipament(typeEq);
            this.infos    = BasicInfoClass.GetBasicInfo();
       = ProductClass.GetProductClass();
            this.tank     = TankClass.GetTankClass();
            this.convert  = new Convertion(typeEq);
            this.errorlog = new ErrorLog();
Beispiel #3
 public Pdf(string txt)
     reportTxt = txt;
     binfos    = BasicInfoClass.GetBasicInfo();
     logClass  = new LogClass();
     text      = new Text();
     Batch     = binfos.KeepBatch;
     eq        = eqFact.ConstructEquipament(EquipamentType.PLC);
 public BeginOfManipulation(EquipamentType typeEq, string OperationName, string Product)
     this.eq            = this.eqFact.ConstructEquipament(typeEq);
     this.OperationName = OperationName;          = ProductClass.GetProductClass();
     this.basicInfo     = BasicInfoClass.GetBasicInfo();
     this.errorlog      = new ErrorLog();
     this.convert       = new Convertion(typeEq);
     this.logAction     = new LogAction();
Beispiel #5
 public EndFilling(EquipamentType typeEq, bool checkBreak)
     this.eq         = this.eqFact.ConstructEquipament(typeEq);
     this.infos      = BasicInfoClass.GetBasicInfo();
     this.tank       = TankClass.GetTankClass();
     this.convert    = new Convertion(typeEq);
     this.errorlog   = new ErrorLog();
     this.checkBreak = checkBreak;
     //this.logAction = new //logAction();
 public RecirculationHoseDrain(EquipamentType typeEq)
     //ID da Operação - cada operação possui um ID exceto a incial(BeginOfMAnipulation)
     this.operationID   = "11";
     this.eq            = this.eqFact.ConstructEquipament(typeEq);
     this.OperationName = OperationName;          = ProductClass.GetProductClass();
     this.infos         = BasicInfoClass.GetBasicInfo();
     this.convert       = new Convertion(typeEq);
     this.errorlog      = new ErrorLog();
     //this.logAction = new //logAction();
Beispiel #7
 public ZeroLoadCell(EquipamentType typeEq)
     //ID da Operação - cada operação possui um ID exceto a incial(BeginOfMAnipulation)
     // e a ZeroLoadCell
     this.operationID = "2";
     this.tank        = TankClass.GetTankClass();
     this.basicInfo   = BasicInfoClass.GetBasicInfo();
     this.eq          = this.eqFact.ConstructEquipament(typeEq);
     errorlog         = new ErrorLog();
     this.convert     = new Convertion(typeEq);
     this.logAction   = new LogAction();
 public EndOfManipulation(EquipamentType typeEq, bool checkBreak, bool gerarPdf)
     //ID da Operação - cada operação possui um ID exceto a incial(BeginOfMAnipulation)
     this.operationID = "12";
     this.infos       = BasicInfoClass.GetBasicInfo();
     this.eq          = this.eqFact.ConstructEquipament(typeEq);
     this.convert     = new Convertion(typeEq);
     this.errorlog    = new ErrorLog();
     this.checkBreak  = checkBreak;
     this.gerarPdf    = gerarPdf;
     //this.logAction = new //logAction();
 public TankFinalWeight(EquipamentType typeEq, string OperationName, bool checkBreak)
     //ID da Operação - cada operação possui um ID exceto a incial(BeginOfMAnipulation)
     this.operationID   = "11";
     this.eq            = this.eqFact.ConstructEquipament(typeEq);
     this.OperationName = OperationName;
     this.checkBreak    = checkBreak;
     this.infos         = BasicInfoClass.GetBasicInfo();
     this.tanks         = TankClass.GetTankClass();
     this.errorlog      = new ErrorLog();
     this.convert       = new Convertion(typeEq);
     //this.logAction = new //logAction();
Beispiel #10
 public TempMonitoringClass(EquipamentType typeEq, bool checkBreak)
     //ID da Operação - cada operação possui um ID exceto a incial
     this.operationID = "4";
     this.eq          = this.eqFact.ConstructEquipament(typeEq);
     this.shaker      = ShakerClass.GetShakerClass();        = ProductClass.GetProductClass();
     this.basicInfo   = BasicInfoClass.GetBasicInfo();
     this.errorlog    = new ErrorLog();
     this.convert     = new Convertion(typeEq);
     this.checkBreak  = checkBreak;
     //this.logAction = new //logAction();
 public AdditionClass(EquipamentType typeEq, string headerName, bool checkBreak, bool gerarPdf, int index)
     //ID da Operação - cada operação possui um ID exceto a incial(BeginOfMAnipulation)
     this.operationID = "7";
     this.eq          = this.eqFact.ConstructEquipament(typeEq);
     this.index       = index;
     this.headerName  = headerName;
     this.checkBreak  = checkBreak;
     this.gerarPdf    = gerarPdf;
     this.infos       = BasicInfoClass.GetBasicInfo();
     this.convert     = new Convertion(typeEq);
     this.errorlog    = new ErrorLog();
     //this.logAction = new //logAction();

        public FirstLoading(EquipamentType typeEq, string headerName, string limitFlow, string limitCell, int index)
            this.operationID = "3";
            this.index       = index;
            this.eq          = this.eqFact.ConstructEquipament(typeEq);
            this.headerName  = headerName;
            this.flux        = FlowmeterClass.GetFlowmeterClass();
            this.cell        = LoadingCellClass.GetLoadingCellClass();
            this.infos       = BasicInfoClass.GetBasicInfo();
            this.errorlog    = new ErrorLog();
            this.limitCell   = limitCell;
            this.limitFlow   = limitFlow;
            this.convert     = new Convertion(typeEq);
            //this.logAction = new //logAction();
 public FourthLoadingClass(EquipamentType typeEq, string headerName, string limitFlow, string limitCell, int index)
     //ID da Operação - cada operação possui um ID exceto a incial
     this.index       = index;
     this.operationID = "5";
     this.eq          = this.eqFact.ConstructEquipament(typeEq);
     this.headerName  = headerName;
     this.flux        = FlowmeterClass.GetFlowmeterClass();
     this.cell        = LoadingCellClass.GetLoadingCellClass();
     this.infos       = BasicInfoClass.GetBasicInfo();
     this.gli         = GlicerolClass.GetGlicerolClass();
     this.errorlog    = new ErrorLog();
     this.limitCell   = limitCell;
     this.limitFlow   = limitFlow;
     this.convert     = new Convertion(typeEq);
     //this.logAction = new //logAction();
Beispiel #14
        public string gerarPdf(string header, BasicInfoClass basicInfo)
            string preBody = "<html>" +
                             "               <head>";

            preBody += "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["STYLESHEET"] + "'/>" +
                       "<meta charset='UTF - 8'/>" +
                       "               </head>" +
                       "               <body>";

            string posBody        = "</body></html>";
            string curpath        = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            string path           = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RELATORIOPATH"];
            string pathBckp       = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RELATORIOPATHBCKP"];
            string logopath       = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LOGOPATH"];
            var    headermodified = header.Replace("/", "");
            var    htmlContent    = preBody + "<h1 id='produto'>" + reportTxt + "</h1>" + posBody;
            var    htmlToPdf      = new HtmlToPdfConverter();

            htmlToPdf.CustomWkHtmlPageArgs = "--encoding utf-8 --images ";
            htmlToPdf.PageHeaderHtml       = "<img id = 'logo' src = '" + logopath + "' >";
            htmlToPdf.PageFooterHtml       = "<img class='fot' src =''>";

            var pdfBytes = htmlToPdf.GeneratePdf(htmlContent);

            File.WriteAllBytes(path + headermodified + Batch + ".pdf", pdfBytes);
            File.WriteAllBytes(pathBckp + headermodified + Batch + ".pdf", pdfBytes);

            eq.Write(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["OKREAD"], "True");

            //htmlToPdf.LogReceived += (sender, e) =>
            //    Console.WriteLine("WkHtmlToPdf Log: {0}", e.Data);

            //logClass.writeLog(header, basicInfo);


            return("PDF FINAL GERADO");
 public ValveClass(EquipamentType typeEq, string valveTime, bool checkIniValve, bool finalValve,
                   string lowLimit, string highLimit, string valvName, string id)
     //ID da Operação - cada operação possui um ID exceto a incial(BeginOfMAnipulation)
     this.operationID   = id;
     this.valvName      = valvName;
     this.checkIniValve = checkIniValve;
     this.finalValve    = finalValve;
     this.lobules       = LobulesClass.GetLobulesClass();
     this.anchor        = AnchorClass.GetAnchorClass();
     this.basicInfo     = BasicInfoClass.GetBasicInfo();
     this.valveTime     = valveTime;
     this.highLimit     = highLimit;
     this.lowLimit      = lowLimit;
     this.errorlog      = new ErrorLog();
     this.convert       = new Convertion(typeEq);
     this.eq            = this.eqFact.ConstructEquipament(typeEq);
     //this.logAction = new //logAction();
Beispiel #16
 public LowSpeedMix(EquipamentType typeEq, string mixTime, string rpmLimit, bool checkBreak, bool secondTable = false)
     //ID da Operação - cada operação possui um ID exceto a incial
     this.operationID = "8";
     this.basicInfo   = BasicInfoClass.GetBasicInfo();
     this.anchor      = AnchorClass.GetAnchorClass();
     this.mixTime     = mixTime;
     this.eq          = this.eqFact.ConstructEquipament(typeEq);
     this.errorlog    = new ErrorLog();
     this.rpmLimit    = rpmLimit;
     this.checkBreak  = checkBreak;
     this.convert     = new Convertion(typeEq);
     if (secondTable == true)
         this.secondTable = true;
         this.secondTable = false;
     //this.logAction = new //logAction();
        public void writeLog(string header, BasicInfoClass basicInfo)
            // Pega do App.config o endereço para salvar o Log AD
            string path = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PATHADCHIESI"] + ".txt";

            // This text is added only once to the file.
            if (!File.Exists(path))
                // Create a file to write to.
                using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(path))
                    sw.WriteLine(header + ", gerado por: " + '\n' +
                                 " Assinatura: " + basicInfo.OperatorLogin + '\n' +
                                 " Data: " + basicInfo.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + '\n' +
                                 " Hora: " + basicInfo.Hour.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + '\n');

            // This text is always added, making the file longer over time
            // if it is not deleted.
            using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(path))
                sw.WriteLine(header + ", gerado por: " + '\n' +
                             " Assinatura: " + basicInfo.OperatorLogin + '\n' +
                             " Data: " + basicInfo.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + '\n' +
                             " Hora: " + basicInfo.Hour.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + '\n');

            // Open the file to read from.
            using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(path))
                string s = "";
                while ((s = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
 public HighSpeedMix(EquipamentType typeEq, string anchorLimit,
                     string turbineLimit, string clenilLimit, string clenilStrongLimit, bool changeTable, bool clenilForte, bool checkBreak, string mixTime, int index)
     //ID da Operação - cada operação possui um ID exceto a incial
     this.operationID       = "6";
     this.index             = index;
     this.basicInfo         = BasicInfoClass.GetBasicInfo();
     this.anchor            = AnchorClass.GetAnchorClass();
     this.turbine           = TurbineClass.GetTurbineClass();
     this.clenil            = ClenilClass.GetClenilClass();
     this.clenilStrong      = ClenilStrong.GetClenilStrong();
     this.anchorLimit       = anchorLimit;
     this.turbineLimit      = turbineLimit;
     this.clenilLimit       = clenilLimit;
     this.clenilForte       = clenilForte;
     this.checkBreak        = checkBreak;
     this.mixTime           = mixTime;
     this.clenilStrongLimit = clenilStrongLimit;
     this.changeTable       = changeTable;
     this.eq       = this.eqFact.ConstructEquipament(typeEq);
     this.convert  = new Convertion(typeEq);
     this.errorlog = new ErrorLog();
     //this.logAction = new //logAction();
Beispiel #19
        //public Dictionary<string, string> tagValues = new Dictionary<string, string>();

        public Text()
            this.LastValues = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> >();
            binfos          = BasicInfoClass.GetBasicInfo();