Beispiel #1
 public static int GetStartIndex(string tableName)
     using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL())
         DataTable table = bll.FillDataTableByText("Select * from " + tableName);
         if (table.Rows.Count == 0)
         table = bll.FillDataTableByText("select Max(Cast(Right(SystemID,8) as Integer )) as MaxID  from " + tableName);
         return(int.Parse(table.Rows[0]["MaxID"].ToString()) + 1);
Beispiel #2
 public static string GetScope(string teacherId)
     using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL())
         var sql = "select * from s_tb_teacherscope where teacherid=@teacherId and teachertype=2";
         return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bll.FillDataTableByText(sql, new { teacherId = teacherId })));
Beispiel #3
 public static string GetGradeScope(string teacherId)
     using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL())
         var sql = "Select scope,GradeName from s_tb_teacherscope,tdGradeCode " +
                   "Where teachertype=3 and teacherID=@teacherId and scope= Gradeno";
         return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bll.FillDataTableByText(sql, new { teacherId = teacherId })));
Beispiel #4
 public static string GetQueryBTeacher(int?micyear, string gradeCourse, int?gradecode, int?testtypes, int?testno, string stuId, int?order)
     using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL())
         var sql = "Select GradeName+'('+substring(classCode,3,2)+')班' as class," +
                   "ClassSN," +
                   "CourseName," +
                   "TypeName," +
                   "SRID," +
                   "StdName," +
                   "NumScore," +
                   "LevelScore," +
                   "StandardScore," +
                   "GradeOrder," +
                   "ClassOrder," +
                   "markName, " +
                   "markcode, " +
                   "teacherName,ClassCode,Testno " +
                   "from s_vw_ClassScoreNum " +
                   " Where ClassCode=@gradecode " +
                   " and Academicyear=@micyear";
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gradeCourse))
             sql += " and CourseCode in (" + gradeCourse + ")";
         if (testtypes != null)
             sql += " and TestType=" + testtypes + " ";
         if (testno != null)
             sql += " and TestNo=" + testno + "";
         if (stuId != "")
             sql += " and SRID in(" + stuId + ")";
         if (order == null)
             sql += " Order By Testno,NumScore desc";
         else if (order == 0)
             sql += " Order By classSN";
             sql += " Order By NumScore desc";
             gradecode = gradecode,
             micyear = micyear
Beispiel #5
        protected void ExportXJ()
            int    micYear    = int.Parse(Request["micYear"]);
            string semester   = Request["semester"];
            string gradeNo    = Request["gradeNo"];
            string courseCode = Request["courseCode"];
            int    testType   = int.Parse(Request["testType"]);
            int    testNo     = int.Parse(Request["testNo"]);
            int    scoreSort  = int.Parse(Request["scoreSort"]);

            using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL())
                var       sql   = "";
                DataTable table = null;
                if (testType == 1)
                    sql += scoreSort == 1 ? ",avg(Numscore) as Score,operator" : ",avg(standardscore) as Score,operator";
                    sql += " from s_vw_ClassScoreNum "
                           + " where Gradeno=@gradeNo"
                           + " and Academicyear=@micYear"
                           + " and semester=@semester"
                           + " and CourseCode=@courseCode"
                           + " and TestType=@testType"
                           + " and STATE is NULL"
                           + " group by Academicyear,SRID,CourseCode,Teacherid,MarkCode,operator";
                    table = bll.FillDataTableByText(sql, new { gradeno = gradeNo, micYear = micYear, semester = semester, courseCode = courseCode, testType = testType });
                    sql += scoreSort == 1 ? ",Numscore as Score,operator" : ",standardscore as Score,operator";
                    sql += " from s_vw_ClassScoreNum"
                           + " Where GradeNo=@gradeNo"
                           + " and Academicyear=@micYear"
                           + " and CourseCode=@courseCode"
                           + " and TestNo=@testNo"
                           + " and STATE is NULL";
                    table = bll.FillDataTableByText(sql, new { gradeno = gradeNo, micYear = micYear, courseCode = courseCode, testno = testNo });
                string fileName  = string.Format("{0}.xls", "学籍数据");
                string excelHtml = DataTableToHtml(table, "学 籍");
                UtilHelper.DownToExcel(fileName, excelHtml);
Beispiel #6
 public static string GetGradeByGradeNo(int micyear, int gradeNo)
     using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL())
         var sql = "select GradeBriefName+'('+substring(tbGradeClass.classNo,3,2)+')班' AS GradeBriefName,classNo " +
                   "from tdGradeCode,tbGradeClass WHERE tbGradeClass.Gradeno=tdGradeCode.GradeNo " +
                   "AND tbGradeClass.academicYear=@micyear and tbGradeClass.GradeNo=@gradeNo";
         return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bll.FillDataTableByText(sql, new { micyear = micyear, gradeNo = gradeNo })));
Beispiel #7
 public static string GetQueryGradeManager(int?micyear, string gradeCourse, int?gradecode, int?testtypes, int?testno, string classCode, string stuId, int?order)
     using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL())
         var sql = "Select GradeName+'('+substring(Classcode,3,2)+')班' as class," +
                   "ClassSN ," +
                   "stdName , " +
                   "CourseName ," +
                   "TypeName ," +
                   "TestNo ," +
                   "NumScore ," +
                   "GradeOrder," +
                   "ClassOrder," +
                   "teacherName," +
                   "markcode, " +
                   "ClassCode " +
                   "from s_vw_ClassScoreNum " +
                   " Where Academicyear=@micyear ";
         if (gradecode != null)
             sql += "and GradeNo=" + gradecode + "";
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gradeCourse))
             sql += " and CourseCode in (" + gradeCourse + ")";
         if (testtypes != null)
             sql += " and TestType=" + testtypes + " ";
         if (testno != null)
             sql += " and TestNo=" + testno + "";
         if (classCode != "")
             sql += " and ClassCode in(" + classCode + ")";
         if (stuId != null)
             sql += " and SRID =" + stuId + "";
         if (order == 1)
             sql += " Order By Testno,NumScore DESC,courseName";
             sql += " Order By ClassCode,ClassSN,courseName";
         DataTable table = bll.FillDataTableByText(sql, new { micyear = micyear });
Beispiel #8
        public static bool fRightYesNO(string UserName, string FunctionID)
            if (UserName.Equals("Jim.Liu"))
            using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL())
                if (FunctionID.Substring(11, 5).Equals("00"))
                    var       sql   = string.Format("Select FunctionID from tbUserGroupInfo,tbrights where tbUserGroupInfo.TeacherID=tbRights.TeacherID and FunctionID=\'{0}\' and Name=\'{1}\'", FunctionID, UserName);
                    DataTable table = bll.FillDataTableByText(sql);
                    if (table.Rows.Count > 0)

                    sql   = string.Format("Select * from tbUserGroupInfo where Name=\'{0}\' and userorGroup=\'1\'", UserName);
                    table = bll.FillDataTableByText(sql);
                    if (table.Rows.Count == 0)

                    string teacherID = table.Rows[0]["TeacherID"].ToString();
                    sql = "SELECT distinct TbGroupInfo.GroupID, TbRights.FunctionID, TbRights.SysNo,"
                          + " TbUserGroupInfo1.TeacherID FROM TbUserGroupInfo INNER JOIN "
                          + " TbGroupInfo ON TbUserGroupInfo.TeacherID = TbGroupInfo.TeacherID INNER JOIN "
                          + " TbRights INNER JOIN TbUserGroupInfo TbUserGroupInfo1 ON "
                          + " TbRights.TeacherID = TbUserGroupInfo1.TeacherID ON TbGroupInfo.GroupID = TbRights.TeacherID "
                          + " Where tbUserGroupInfo.TeacherID =\'{0}\' and TbRights.FunctionID=\'{1}\'";

                    table = bll.FillDataTableByText(sql);
                    return(table.Rows.Count > 0);
Beispiel #9
 public static DataTable GetTestLoginByYear(int micYear)
     using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL())
         var sql = "select TestType,TestNo as TestLoginNo, case when TestType=0 then '平时' + CAST(testno as varchar)" +
                   " when TestType=1 then '期中' + CAST(testno as varchar)" +
                   " else '期末' + CAST(testno as varchar) end Name" +
                   " from s_tb_testlogin where Academicyear='{0}' order by cast(testno as int)";
         sql = string.Format(sql, micYear);
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// 导出用户清单
        /// </summary>
        protected void ExportUserGroup()
            var schoolName = Request["school"];

            using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL())
                var       sql       = "select distinct Name as 用户名称,Password as 密码 from tbUserGroupInfo where  teacherid<'9999999990000' and (Status<>'1' or status is null) order by Name";
                DataTable table     = bll.FillDataTableByText(sql);
                string    fileName  = string.Format("{0}.xls", schoolName);
                string    excelHtml = DataTableToHtml(table, string.Format("{0}成绩分析系统用户清单", schoolName));
                UtilHelper.DownToExcel(fileName, excelHtml);
Beispiel #11
 public static int SaveUserGroup(UserGroupInfo userGroup)
     using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL())
         if (userGroup.TeacherID.Trim().Equals("-1"))
             var       sql   = "Select * from tbUserGroupInfo Where Name=@UserName";
             DataTable table = bll.FillDataTableByText(sql, new { UserName = userGroup.Name });
             if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
                 return(-1);                      //数据库中已经存在名称为{0}的用户或组
         return(bll.ExecuteNonQuery("USP_System_InsertUserGroup", userGroup));
Beispiel #12
 public static string BuildSystemIdBegin()
     using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL())
         DataTable table = bll.FillDataTableByText("Select SchoolCode,AcadEmicYear from tbSchoolBaseInfo");
         if (table.Rows.Count == 0)
         var    SchoolNo    = table.Rows[0]["SchoolCode"].ToString();
         string CurrentYear = table.Rows[0]["AcadEmicYear"].ToString();
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentYear.Trim()))
         return(string.Format("{0}{1}", SchoolNo, CurrentYear));
Beispiel #13
        public static ResultEntity RemoveUserGroup(UserGroupInfo userGroup)
                using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL())
                    var       sql = "";
                    DataTable table;
                    sql   = "Select Count(*) as iCount from tbLog where TeacherID=@p";
                    table = bll.FillDataTableByText(sql, new { p = userGroup.TeacherID });
                    if (int.Parse(table.Rows[0][0].ToString()) > 0)
                        return new ResultEntity()
                                   State = -1, Context = "发现此用户有日志信息!"

                    sql   = "Select * from tbRights where TeacherID=@p";
                    table = bll.FillDataTableByText(sql, new { p = userGroup.TeacherID });
                    if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
                        return new ResultEntity()
                                   State = -2, Context = "请先去除用户(组)权限!"

                    if (userGroup.UserOrGroup.Equals("1"))
                        sql = "Select * from tbTeacherClass where TeacherID=@p and AcademicYear=(Select top 1 AcadEmicYear from tbSchoolBaseInfo)";

                        table = bll.FillDataTableByText(sql, new { p = userGroup.TeacherID });
                        if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
                            return new ResultEntity()
                                       State = -3, Context = "老师本学年有课!"

                        sql   = "Select * from tbGroupInfo where TeacherID=@p";
                        table = bll.FillDataTableByText(sql, new { p = userGroup.TeacherID });
                        if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
                            return new ResultEntity()
                                       State = -4, Context = string.Format("把({0})从组去除!", userGroup.Name)
                        sql   = "Select * from tbGroupInfo where GroupID=@p";
                        table = bll.FillDataTableByText(sql, new { p = userGroup.TeacherID });
                        if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
                            return new ResultEntity()
                                       State = -5, Context = string.Format("请把组({0})的所有用户去除!", userGroup.Name)
                    var strTemp = userGroup.TeacherID.Substring(10, 4);
                    if (strTemp.Equals("0001") || strTemp.Equals("0002") || strTemp.Equals("0003") ||
                        strTemp.Equals("1001") || strTemp.Equals("0888"))
                        return(new ResultEntity()
                            State = -6, Context = "系统保留用户(组)!"
                    sql   = "Select TeacherID,Name from tbUserGroupInfo Where TeacherID=@p";
                    table = bll.FillDataTableByText(sql, new { p = userGroup.TeacherID });
                    if (table.Rows.Count == 0)
                        return new ResultEntity()
                                   State = -7, Context = "数据库错误!"

                    sql = "Delete  from tbUserGroupinfo Where TeacherID=@p";
                    bll.ExecuteNonQueryByText(sql, new { p = userGroup.TeacherID });
                return(new ResultEntity()
                    State = 1, Context = string.Format("用户(组)<{0}>已经删除!", userGroup.Name)
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new ResultEntity()
                    State = -8, Context = string.Format("用户(组)删除失败!", userGroup.Name)
Beispiel #14
        public static string GetQueryTeacher(int?micyear, string teacherid, int?gradeCourse, int?gradecode, int?testtypes, int?testno, string stuId, int?order)
            using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL())
                var sql = "Select GradeName+'('+substring(classCode,3,2)+')班' as class," +
                          "ClassSN," +
                          "StdName," +
                          "NumScore," +
                          "LevelScore," +
                          "StandardScore ," +
                          "GradeOrder," +
                          "ClassOrder," +
                          "markName ," +
                          "TypeName ," +
                          "testno ," +
                          "SchoolID ," +
                          "courseName, " +
                          "markcode " +
                          " from s_vw_ClassScoreNum left join S_tb_SchoolID on s_vw_ClassScoreNum.SRID=S_tb_SchoolID.SRID" +
                          " Where AcademicYear=@micyear" +
                          " and ClassCode=@gradecode and CourseCode=@gradeCourse" +
                          " and  TeacherID=@teacherid";
                if (testtypes != null)
                    sql += " and TestType=" + testtypes + " ";
                if (testno != null)
                    sql += " and TestNo=" + testno + "";
                if (stuId != "")
                    sql += " and s_vw_ClassScoreNum.SRID in(" + stuId + ")";

                if (order == null)
                    if (stuId != "")
                        sql += " Order By ClassCode,ClassSN";
                        sql += " Order By Testno,NumScore DESC";
                else if (order == 0)
                    sql += " Order By ClassCode";
                    sql += " Order By NumScore desc";

                    micyear = micyear,
                    teacherid = teacherid,
                    gradeCourse = gradeCourse,
                    gradecode = gradecode
Beispiel #15
        public static void gp_ScoreTj(int micYear, string Semester, string testType, string testNo, string courseCode, string gradeOrClassNo, int Flag)
            using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL())
                var sql = Flag == 0 ? "Delete from  s_tb_GradeStat where" : "Delete from  s_tb_ClassStat where";
                sql += " Academicyear='{0}'"
                       + " and Testno='{1}'"
                       + " and CourseCode='{2}'";
                sql += Flag == 0 ? " and GradeNo='{3}'" : "and ClassNo='{3}'";
                sql  = string.Format(sql, micYear, testNo, courseCode, gradeOrClassNo);
                if (Flag == 0)
                    sql = " insert Into s_tb_GradeStat(AcademicYear,semester,CourseCode,TestType,TestNo,GradeNo)";
                    sql = " insert Into s_tb_ClassStat(AcademicYear,semester,CourseCode,TestType,TestNo,ClassNo)";

                sql += " values('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}')";
                sql  = string.Format(sql, micYear, Semester, courseCode, testType, testNo, gradeOrClassNo);

                sql = " select count(*) as S_5 from s_vw_ClassScoreNum"
                      + " where NumScore/cast(substring(Markcode,2,3) as numeric(5,2) )<0.05 "
                      + " and substring(Markcode,1,1)='1'"
                      + " and Academicyear='{0}'"
                      + " and TestNo='{1}'"
                      + " and CourseCode='{2}'";
                sql += Flag == 0 ? " and GradeNo='{3}'" : "and ClassNo='{3}'";
                sql  = string.Format(sql, micYear, testNo, courseCode, gradeOrClassNo);
                DataTable table = bll.FillDataTableByText(sql);
                var       s_num = int.Parse(table.Rows[0]["S_5"].ToString());

                sql  = Flag == 0 ? "Update s_tb_GradeStat set S_5={4}" : "Update s_tb_ClassStat set S_5={4}";
                sql += " where Academicyear='{0}'"
                       + " and TestNo='{1}'"
                       + " and CourseCode='{2}'";
                sql += Flag == 0 ? " and GradeNo='{3}'" : "and ClassNo='{3}'";
                sql  = string.Format(sql, micYear, testNo, courseCode, gradeOrClassNo, s_num);

                sql = " select count(*) as S_5 from s_vw_ClassScoreNum"
                      + " where NumScore/cast(substring(Markcode,2,3) as numeric(5,2) )>=0.95 "
                      + " and substring(Markcode,1,1)='1'"
                      + " and Academicyear='{0}'"
                      + " and TestNo='{1}'"
                      + " and CourseCode='{2}'";
                sql  += Flag == 0 ? " and GradeNo='{3}'" : "and ClassNo='{3}'";
                sql   = string.Format(sql, micYear, testNo, courseCode, gradeOrClassNo);
                table = bll.FillDataTableByText(sql);
                s_num = int.Parse(table.Rows[0]["S_5"].ToString());

                sql  = Flag == 0 ? " Update s_tb_GradeStat set S_100={4}" : "Update s_tb_ClassStat set S_100={4}";
                sql += " where Academicyear='{0}'"
                       + " and TestNo='{1}'"
                       + " and CourseCode='{2}'";
                sql += Flag == 0 ? " and GradeNo='{3}'" : "and ClassNo='{3}'";
                sql  = string.Format(sql, micYear, testNo, courseCode, gradeOrClassNo, s_num);

                var LowScore  = 0.05f;
                var highScore = 0.1f;
                for (var i = 0; i <= 17; i++)
                    sql = " select count(*) as S_5 from s_vw_ClassScoreNum"
                          + " where NumScore/cast(substring(Markcode,2,3) as numeric(5,2) )>={4}"
                          + " and NumScore/cast(substring(Markcode,2,3) as numeric(5,2) )<{5}"
                          + " and substring(Markcode,1,1)='1'"
                          + " and Academicyear='{0}'"
                          + " and TestNo='{1}'"
                          + " and CourseCode='{2}'";
                    sql  += Flag == 0 ? " and GradeNo='{3}'" : "and ClassNo='{3}'";
                    sql   = string.Format(sql, micYear, testNo, courseCode, gradeOrClassNo, LowScore, highScore);
                    table = bll.FillDataTableByText(sql);
                    s_num = int.Parse(table.Rows[0]["S_5"].ToString());

                    switch (i)
                    case 0:
                        sql = Flag == 0 ? "Update s_tb_GradeStat Set S_10={0}" : "Update s_tb_ClassStat Set S_10={0}";

                    case 1:
                        sql = Flag == 0 ? "Update s_tb_GradeStat Set S_15={0}" : "Update s_tb_ClassStat Set S_15={0}";

                    case 2:
                        sql = Flag == 0 ? "Update s_tb_GradeStat Set S_20={0}" : "Update s_tb_ClassStat Set S_20={0}";

                    case 3:
                        sql = Flag == 0 ? "Update s_tb_GradeStat Set S_25={0}" : "Update s_tb_ClassStat Set S_25={0}";

                    case 4:
                        sql = Flag == 0 ? "Update s_tb_GradeStat Set S_30={0}" : "Update s_tb_ClassStat Set S_30={0}";

                    case 5:
                        sql = Flag == 0 ? "Update s_tb_GradeStat Set S_35={0}" : "Update s_tb_ClassStat Set S_35={0}";

                    case 6:
                        sql = Flag == 0 ? "Update s_tb_GradeStat Set S_40={0}" : "Update s_tb_ClassStat Set S_40={0}";

                    case 7:
                        sql = Flag == 0 ? "Update s_tb_GradeStat Set S_45={0}" : "Update s_tb_ClassStat Set S_45={0}";

                    case 8:
                        sql = Flag == 0 ? "Update s_tb_GradeStat Set S_50={0}" : "Update s_tb_ClassStat Set S_50={0}";

                    case 9:
                        sql = Flag == 0 ? "Update s_tb_GradeStat Set S_55={0}" : "Update s_tb_ClassStat Set S_55={0}";

                    case 10:
                        sql = Flag == 0 ? "Update s_tb_GradeStat Set S_60={0}" : "Update s_tb_ClassStat Set S_60={0}";

                    case 11:
                        sql = Flag == 0 ? "Update s_tb_GradeStat Set S_65={0}" : "Update s_tb_ClassStat Set S_65={0}";

                    case 12:
                        sql = Flag == 0 ? "Update s_tb_GradeStat Set S_70={0}" : "Update s_tb_ClassStat Set S_70={0}";

                    case 13:
                        sql = Flag == 0 ? "Update s_tb_GradeStat Set S_75={0}" : "Update s_tb_ClassStat Set S_75={0}";

                    case 14:
                        sql = Flag == 0 ? "Update s_tb_GradeStat Set S_80={0}" : "Update s_tb_ClassStat Set S_80={0}";

                    case 15:
                        sql = Flag == 0 ? "Update s_tb_GradeStat Set S_85={0}" : "Update s_tb_ClassStat Set S_85={0}";

                    case 16:
                        sql = Flag == 0 ? "Update s_tb_GradeStat Set S_90={0}" : "Update s_tb_ClassStat Set S_90={0}";

                        sql = Flag == 0 ? "Update s_tb_GradeStat Set S_95={0}" : "Update s_tb_ClassStat Set S_95={0}";

                    sql += " Where AcademicYear={1}"
                           + " and TestNo={2}"
                           + " and CourseCode={3}";

                    sql += Flag == 0 ? " and GradeNo='{4}'" : " and ClassCode={4}";
                    sql  = string.Format(sql, s_num, micYear, testNo, courseCode, gradeOrClassNo);

                    LowScore  += 0.05f;
                    highScore += 0.05f;