public UniqueObject( Object obj )
			editorLocalId = 0;

			scene = new AmsSceneReference();
			fullPath = string.Empty;
			componentName = string.Empty;
			version = CurrentSerializedVersion;
			componentIndex = 0;

			if ( !obj )

			GameObject gameObject = GameObjectEx.EditorGetGameObjectFromComponent( obj );
			if ( gameObject )
				scene = new AmsSceneReference( gameObject.scene );
				fullPath = gameObject.GetFullName();

				Component comp = obj as Component;
				if ( comp )
					componentName = obj.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName;
					gameObject.GetComponents( obj.GetType(), _reusableComponentsList );
					componentIndex = _reusableComponentsList.IndexOf( comp );

			editorLocalId = GetEditorId( obj );
            /// <summary>
            /// Construct from a Unity SceneSetup
            /// </summary>
            public SceneEntry(UnityEditor.SceneManagement.SceneSetup sceneSetup)
                scene = new AmsSceneReference(sceneSetup.path);

                loadInEditor = sceneSetup.isLoaded;
                loadMethod   = LoadMethod.Additive;
        /// <summary>
        /// Allow us to construct a UniqueObject at runtime.
        /// This will allow us to store references across scenes at runtime if we desire.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="component">The component to point to.</param>
        public UniqueObject(Component component)
            if (!component)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("component");

            editorLocalId            = 0;
            editorPrefabRelativePath = string.Empty;
            version = CurrentSerializedVersion;

            // The full scene/path
            var gameObject = component.gameObject;

            scene    = new AmsSceneReference(gameObject.scene);
            fullPath = gameObject.GetFullName();

            // Component (Type) Name
            var compType = component.GetType();

            componentName = compType.AssemblyQualifiedName;

            // Get Components
            gameObject.GetComponents(compType, _reusableComponentsList);
            componentIndex = _reusableComponentsList.IndexOf(component);
			/// <summary>
			/// Construct from a Unity SceneSetup
			/// </summary>
			public SceneEntry( UnityEditor.SceneManagement.SceneSetup sceneSetup )
				scene = new AmsSceneReference( sceneSetup.path );

				loadInEditor = sceneSetup.isLoaded;
				loadMethod = LoadMethod.Additive;
        public UniqueObject(Object obj)
            scene                    = new AmsSceneReference();
            fullPath                 = string.Empty;
            componentName            = string.Empty;
            version                  = CurrentSerializedVersion;
            componentIndex           = 0;
            editorLocalId            = 0;
            editorPrefabRelativePath = string.Empty;

            if (!obj)

            GameObject gameObject = GameObjectEx.EditorGetGameObjectFromComponent(obj);

            if (gameObject)
                scene    = new AmsSceneReference(gameObject.scene);
                fullPath = gameObject.GetFullName();

                Component comp = obj as Component;
                if (comp)
                    componentName = obj.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName;
                    gameObject.GetComponents(obj.GetType(), _reusableComponentsList);
                    componentIndex = _reusableComponentsList.IndexOf(comp);

#if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER
            // Get the nearest root (which will have an editor id)
            var prefabObj = PrefabUtility.GetPrefabInstanceHandle(obj);
            if (prefabObj)
                editorLocalId = GetEditorId(prefabObj);

                var prefabRoot = PrefabUtility.GetOutermostPrefabInstanceRoot(obj);
                editorPrefabRelativePath = TransformEx.GetPathRelativeTo(gameObject.transform, prefabRoot.transform);
            // Get the prefab object
            var prefabObj = PrefabUtility.GetPrefabObject(obj);
            if (prefabObj)
                GameObject prefabRoot = PrefabUtility.FindPrefabRoot(gameObject);
                editorLocalId            = prefabRoot ? GetEditorId(prefabRoot) : GetEditorId(obj);
                editorPrefabRelativePath = TransformEx.GetPathRelativeTo(gameObject.transform, prefabRoot.transform);

            if (editorLocalId == 0)
                editorLocalId = GetEditorId(obj);
        void Awake()
            AmsDebug.Log(this, "{0}.Awake() Scene: {1}. IsLoaded: {2}. Path: {3}. Frame: {4}. Root Count: {5}", GetType().Name,, gameObject.scene.isLoaded, gameObject.scene.path, Time.frameCount, gameObject.scene.rootCount);

            // Upgrade us (we upgraded the Cross-Scene Reference data)
            // This may freak out users on their first run since it will look like their cross-scene references are gone
            // In reality, they are just in the scene, ready to be re-created on save
            if (_version < CurrentSerializedVersion)
                int numCrossSceneRefs = _crossSceneReferences.Count;

                if (numCrossSceneRefs != _crossSceneReferences.Count)
                    AmsDebug.LogWarning(this, "{0} was upgraded. {1} cross-scene references will be re-created on next save.", name, numCrossSceneRefs - _crossSceneReferences.Count);
                    AmsDebug.LogWarning(this, "{0} needs upgrading.  Please resave {1}", name,;

                if (!Application.isPlaying)
                    GameObject gameObject = this.gameObject;
                    EditorApplication.delayCall += () => { if (gameObject)

            // Make sure we keep track of all of the merged scenes
            AmsSceneReference thisScene = new AmsSceneReference(gameObject.scene);
            foreach (var prevScene in _mergedScenes)
                _activeMergedScenes.Add(prevScene, thisScene);

            // We need to queue our cross-scene references super early in case we get merged.

            // We should be able to merge our cross-scene references to any other loaded scene here.
        /// <summary>
        /// This is called during the build pipeline to ensure a proper merge from one scene into another, taking into account cross-scene references
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceSceneSetup">The scene we're merging from</param>
        /// <param name="destSceneSetup">The scene we're merging to</param>
        public static void EditorBuildPipelineMergeScene(AmsMultiSceneSetup sourceSceneSetup, AmsMultiSceneSetup destSceneSetup)
            // This is happening during the build system, so we're going to end up with a scene name of 0.backup
            // So we need to get the actual path from the AmsMultiSceneSetup object and clobber it.
            var amsFromSceneRef = new AmsSceneReference(sourceSceneSetup.gameObject.scene);

            amsFromSceneRef.editorPath = sourceSceneSetup.scenePath;

            var amsIntoSceneRef = new AmsSceneReference(destSceneSetup.gameObject.scene);

            amsIntoSceneRef.editorPath = destSceneSetup.scenePath;

            // Now get the cross-scene references from both scenes to merge them
            var srcCrossSceneRefs = GetSceneSingleton(sourceSceneSetup.gameObject.scene, false);

            if (!srcCrossSceneRefs)

            var destCrossSceneRefs = GetSceneSingleton(destSceneSetup.gameObject.scene, true);

            for (int i = 0; i < srcCrossSceneRefs._crossSceneReferences.Count; ++i)
                var xRef = srcCrossSceneRefs._crossSceneReferences[i];
                if (!srcCrossSceneRefs._referencesToResolve.Contains(xRef))
                    AmsDebug.Log(srcCrossSceneRefs, "Already resolved xRef {0}. No need to merge it.", xRef);

                AmsDebug.Log(destSceneSetup, "Merging {0} into Scene {1}", xRef, amsIntoSceneRef.editorPath);
                xRef.DEPRECATED_fromScene = amsIntoSceneRef;

            // Mark this as a merged scene in the destination, so when we look-up cross-scene references we're aware.

            // Destroy this object after the merge is complete (we don't want it merged into the scene)
            GameObject.DestroyImmediate(srcCrossSceneRefs.gameObject, false);
Beispiel #8
        public UniqueObject(Object obj)
            scene                    = new AmsSceneReference();
            fullPath                 = string.Empty;
            componentName            = string.Empty;
            version                  = CurrentSerializedVersion;
            componentIndex           = 0;
            editorLocalId            = 0;
            editorPrefabRelativePath = string.Empty;

            if (!obj)

            GameObject gameObject = GameObjectEx.EditorGetGameObjectFromComponent(obj);

            if (gameObject)
                scene    = new AmsSceneReference(gameObject.scene);
                fullPath = gameObject.GetFullName();

                Component comp = obj as Component;
                if (comp)
                    componentName = obj.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName;
                    gameObject.GetComponents(obj.GetType(), _reusableComponentsList);
                    componentIndex = _reusableComponentsList.IndexOf(comp);

            // Get the prefab object
            var prefabObj = PrefabUtility.GetPrefabObject(obj);

            if (prefabObj)
                GameObject prefabRoot = PrefabUtility.FindPrefabRoot(gameObject);
                editorLocalId            = prefabObj ? GetEditorId(prefabObj) : GetEditorId(obj);
                editorPrefabRelativePath = TransformEx.GetPathRelativeTo(gameObject.transform, prefabRoot.transform);
        public UniqueObject(Object obj)
            editorLocalId = 0;

            scene          = new AmsSceneReference();
            fullPath       = string.Empty;
            componentName  = string.Empty;
            version        = CurrentSerializedVersion;
            componentIndex = 0;

            if (!obj)

            GameObject gameObject = GameObjectEx.EditorGetGameObjectFromComponent(obj);
            if (gameObject)
                scene    = new AmsSceneReference(gameObject.scene);
                fullPath = gameObject.GetFullName();

                Component comp = obj as Component;
                if (comp)
                    componentName = obj.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName;
                    gameObject.GetComponents(obj.GetType(), _reusableComponentsList);
                    componentIndex = _reusableComponentsList.IndexOf(comp);

            editorLocalId = GetEditorId(obj);