private static Point CalculateLocation(AdornerLocation anchor, Size adorneeSize, Size adornerSize)
            Point location = new Point();

            switch (anchor)
            case AdornerLocation.BottomRight:
                location = new Point(adorneeSize.Width, 0);

            case AdornerLocation.TopRight:
                location = new Point(adorneeSize.Width, -adornerSize.Height);

            case AdornerLocation.TopLeft:
                location = new Point(adorneeSize.Width - adornerSize.Width, -adornerSize.Height);

            case AdornerLocation.BottomLeft:
                location = new Point(adorneeSize.Width - adornerSize.Width, 20);

        protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size finalSize)
            Point anchorPoint = this.AdornedElement.TranslatePoint(new Point(this.AdornedElement.RenderSize.Width, 0), this.ScrollViewer);

            AdornerLocation anchor = AnnotationAdorner.GetAnchor(this);

            if (anchor == AdornerLocation.None)
                // Calculate based on the real size of the adorner, depending on current zoom level
                DesignerView designerView = ((WorkflowViewElement)AdornedElement).Context.Services.GetService <DesignerView>();
                double       zoomLevel    = designerView.ZoomFactor;
                Size         adornerSize  = new Size(this.content.DesiredSize.Width * zoomLevel, this.content.DesiredSize.Height * zoomLevel);
                anchor = FindAnchor(anchorPoint, adornerSize, new Rect(0, 0, this.ScrollViewer.ViewportWidth, this.ScrollViewer.ViewportHeight));
                AnnotationAdorner.SetAnchor(this, anchor);

            Point location = CalculateLocation(anchor, this.AdornedElement.RenderSize, this.content.DesiredSize);

            this.content.Arrange(new Rect(location, finalSize));

        // (3)   |   (2)
        // ______|______
        // (4)   |   (1)
        //       |
        // canvas is divided into four areas by anchorPoint
        // try to figure out which area could fit desiredSize from area1 to area4, if there's no fit, default to area4.
        internal static AdornerLocation FindAnchor(Point anchorPoint, Size desiredSize, Rect canvas)
            Fx.Assert(anchorPoint.X >= canvas.X && anchorPoint.X <= canvas.X + canvas.Width, "X axis of anchorPoint not within canvas");
            Fx.Assert(anchorPoint.Y >= canvas.Y && anchorPoint.Y <= canvas.Y + canvas.Height, "Y axis of anchorPoint not within canvas");

            AdornerLocation anchor = AdornerLocation.None;

            // try area 1 and 2
            if (anchorPoint.X + desiredSize.Width <= canvas.X + canvas.Width)
                // area 1
                if (anchorPoint.Y + desiredSize.Height <= canvas.Y + canvas.Height)
                    anchor = AdornerLocation.BottomRight;

                // area 2
                if (anchor == AdornerLocation.None && anchorPoint.Y - desiredSize.Height >= canvas.Y)
                    anchor = AdornerLocation.TopRight;

            // area 3
            if (anchor == AdornerLocation.None && anchorPoint.X - desiredSize.Width >= canvas.X && anchorPoint.Y - desiredSize.Height >= canvas.Y)
                anchor = AdornerLocation.TopLeft;

            // default to area 4
            if (anchor == AdornerLocation.None)
                anchor = AdornerLocation.BottomLeft;

 public static void SetAnchor(DependencyObject obj, AdornerLocation anchor)
     obj.SetValue(AnnotationAdorner.AnchorProperty, anchor);
 public static void SetAnchor(DependencyObject obj, AdornerLocation anchor)
     obj.SetValue(AnnotationAdorner.AnchorProperty, anchor);
        private static Point CalculateLocation(AdornerLocation anchor, Size adorneeSize, Size adornerSize)
            Point location = new Point();

            switch (anchor)
                case AdornerLocation.BottomRight:
                    location = new Point(adorneeSize.Width, 0);
                case AdornerLocation.TopRight:
                    location = new Point(adorneeSize.Width, -adornerSize.Height);
                case AdornerLocation.TopLeft:
                    location = new Point(adorneeSize.Width - adornerSize.Width, -adornerSize.Height);
                case AdornerLocation.BottomLeft:
                    location = new Point(adorneeSize.Width - adornerSize.Width, 20);

            return location;