protected override void OnRecoverFinished()
        IntVector2 direction = directions[index];
        Action     action    = hitDigOrMove.GetAction(direction);

        if (action.GetType() == typeof(ActionTryMove) && !hitDigOrMove.WillBump(direction))
            index = (index + 1) % directions.Count;
        DoAction(action, direction);
    protected override void OnRecoverFinished()
        int randIndex = Random.Range(0, randomDirections.Length);

        for (int i = 0; i < randomDirections.Length; i++)
            IntVector2 direction = randomDirections[(randIndex + i) % randomDirections.Length];
            if (!hitDigOrMove.WillBump(direction) || i == randomDirections.Length - 1)
                DoAction(hitDigOrMove.GetAction(direction), direction);
Beispiel #3
    protected override void OnReadyForNextAction(GameObject target)

        IntVector2 currentPos = intTransform.GetPos();
        IntVector2 targetPos  = target.GetComponent <IntTransform>().GetPos();
        IntVector2 direction  = GetDirection(currentPos, targetPos);

        // If we don't have a shovel, this shouldn't be able to dig, instead change direction
        if (hitDigOrMove.WillBump(direction))
            headingHorizontal = !headingHorizontal;
            direction         = GetDirection(currentPos, targetPos);
        DoAction(hitDigOrMove.GetAction(direction), direction);

        if (target)