protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Obtain categoryId from QueryString
            int categoryId = Int32.Parse(Request.Params["CategoryID"]);

            // Obtain products and databind to an asp:datalist control
            AWC.BusinessLayer.Products productCatalogue = new AWC.BusinessLayer.Products();

            MyList.DataSource = productCatalogue.GetProducts(categoryId);
        // The Page_Load event on this page is used to obtain
        // from a database a collection of all products whose
        // description or name meets a specified search criteria.
        // Note that the search string to use is specified using
        // a querystring argument to the page.
        private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // Search database using the supplied "txtSearch" parameter
            AWC.BusinessLayer.Products productCatalogue = new AWC.BusinessLayer.Products();

            MyList.DataSource = productCatalogue.SearchProductDescriptions(Request.Params["txtSearch"]);

            // Display a message if no results are found
            if (MyList.Items.Count == 0) {
                ErrorMsg.Text = "No items matched your query.";
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Page.IsPostBack != true)

                // Obtain ProductID of Product to Review
                int productID = Int32.Parse(Request["productID"]);

                // Populate Product Name on Page
                AWC.BusinessLayer.Products products = new AWC.BusinessLayer.Products();
                ModelName.Text = products.GetProductDetails(productID).ModelName;

                // Store ProductID in Page State to use on PostBack
                ViewState["productID"] = productID;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Obtain ProductID from QueryString
            int ProductID = Int32.Parse(Request.Params["ProductID"]);

            // Obtain Product Details
            AWC.BusinessLayer.Products products = new AWC.BusinessLayer.Products();
            AWC.Entities.Product myProductDetails = products.GetProductDetails(ProductID);

            // Update Controls with Product Details
            desc.Text = myProductDetails.Description;
            UnitCost.Text = String.Format("{0:c}", myProductDetails.UnitCost);
            ModelName.Text = myProductDetails.ModelName;
            ModelNumber.Text = myProductDetails.ModelNumber.ToString();
            ProductImage.ImageUrl = "ProductImages/" + myProductDetails.ProductImage;
            addToCart.NavigateUrl = "AddToCart.aspx?ProductID=" + ProductID;

            ReviewList.ProductID = ProductID;
            AlsoBoughtList.ProductID = ProductID;